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This week! I will conquer my fears

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This is conerning a thread I've posted like a month ago



If you don't want to read the post: basically she studies with me alot, and the most conversation we've ever had were when we go off tangents and the usual "how was your weekend." I've hung out with her once and it was with a couple of her friends (we got fast food).


Current Story

So now why the sudden "infusion" of determination? Well I'm not really a superstitious person but a few days ago I was eating my take-out lunch from a local asian restaraunt while studying with her and her friends. My take out lunch had a fortune cookie in it. Well I opened the cookie and first read the it in my head. I could've easily just tossed it but then her friends asked me what it said. So I read it aloud. It said:


"Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you"


Well guess who was sitting next to me. The person I'm going nuts for! Well after I read it I looked directly at her and. . . well her friends started laughing hardcore and she just kinda covered her face with her hands laughing while telling her friends to stop. If I didn't know any better, I bet she was blushing. Another thing that kind of surprised me later on was that, I wasn't shy in reading that fortune aloud!



Anyway ever since that incident it kinda never left my mind. Just the other day I ate another fortune cookie and it said: "You are capable, competent, creative, careful, prove it." And that's when I told myself "allright I'll prove it, I'll prove I am capable of overcoming my shyness"


So this week I'm going to ask her out for coffee, not a date per se (Like Day Walker said) and maybe I could get her number. I'm 20 years old and I'm sick of shyness. I'm doing well in nursing school, Lost 48 pounds (new years resolution complete), and I'm pretty well rounded, what have I got to lose!? I figure If I don't get through it now, I'll never get through it EVER. If I can ask this person (whom I have such attraction for) out, then I feel I will be able to do it to anyone in the future.


Wow it felt good writing this out. Wish me luck!

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Well although it could be a good sign i do want to warn you. Never go into a relationship expecting it will work out, not even if your fortune cookies say it will. Things don't go right just because it concerns your 'case' so to speak, reality is that a woman can pack her bags and leave any day. So remember you can only love her, you don't own her. A good relationship is all about being together and still being able to do your own thing, and only put love and light into the relationship, never start or give in to arguments because you don't want to give another spin to the wheel of hatred.

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Well although it could be a good sign i do want to warn you. Never go into a relationship expecting it will work out, not even if your fortune cookies say it will. Things don't go right just because it concerns your 'case' so to speak, reality is that a woman can pack her bags and leave any day. So remember you can only love her, you don't own her. A good relationship is all about being together and still being able to do your own thing, and only put love and light into the relationship, never start or give in to arguments because you don't want to give another spin to the wheel of hatred.


Good advice. If a relationship does happen to come out of this I'll remember what you said. Yea fortune cookies say alot of things, it's unhealthy to take them too seriously. I kind of think of them as motivators or words for inspiration. But right now I just want to be able to ask someone out. Whether she says accpets or not, I'm still going to be gald that I did it.

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