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psychomeanie exbf! what do i do

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my ex of 1-week is playing major games with me. i left him with a "dear john" note, its a long story as to why. Lets just say he is a MASTER manipulator.


anyway, i started to feel bad about the goodbye note, plus having some space gave me some more clarity about why i needed to leave the relationship to "find myself again" so i could be a healthy partner. SO, a few days back i asked him if he would be willing to see me and talk, so i could explain things again. He said "there is nothing to talk about, unless you want to talk about moving back in and finding yourself while still being with me." in other words: he will only meet if the outcome is us getting back together.. the conversation ended badly, he was cold, said he would be finding another girl soon, and cruel things. He gets really cruel when he does not get his way.


today, i get this text:


(him): my son > fell and is in the emergency room.


(me): oh my god. is he ok? are you ok? is your mom there to help?


(him): that text was meant for someone else...force of habit.




(me): I would appreciate knowing if he is ok. if you refuse to tell me i will just call your mom. Just erase my name from your phone so that you don't do that to my heart again. It is cruel that you won't tell me how he is doing.




(me): Just said a prayer for your son. How dare you do this? Do you get off on hurting me? You have no compassion...you are a sick person. Do not contact me again ever.




(him): Don't contact me again? i texted by mistake...by habit. have not contacted you at all. But I forgot you don't make mistakes... you are perfect.




(him): Would you like to have dinner with me in the city tomorrow night?



????? what the ?*&&^? he is messing with my emotions. ](*,)


do i just ignore him and go back to NC? or do i meet with him? i am hurt by his game playing and can't believe he would pull that stuff with the emergency room and my emotions.

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One thing I've noticed with people is that no matter how much you would like them to change or help them to change their ways, it is only when they themselves are commited to changing will anything positive happen. If he turely does not want to change and feels like he is not at all in anyway wrong in the situation, you might find yourself banging your head against a brick wall. You must ask yourself, how does the latest events make you feel. Is this what you want for yourself. You said yourself that he is a manipulator and he will rope you back in anyway he can. It will be rosie for a short while then his true colors will come back out.


We all have a choice in life as to how we allow others to treat us. You have the power to put a stop to him hurting and playing with your emotions. It wont be easy to begin with but in long run you will be better for it.


Best of luck

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