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Girl has boyfriend.


Girl has big crush on boyfriend's friend. So much it hurts and takes up 90 per cent of girl's thoughts.


Boyfriend's friend keeps saying how he wished he was with girl.


Girl hinted she liked boyfriends friend.


Boyfriend is completely in love with girl.


What will girl do???

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This is exactly how I was. Except it wasn't his friend.

I liked the boy all last year. It was such a horrible predecament for me. It wasn't fair to have such an enormous crush on the kid when I was completely in love with my boyfriend.


I'm sorry to tell you it like this, but you are pretty much stuck. You either stay with your boyfriend and try to stick it through and get rid of your crush (it's hard but you can try to learn not to like him), or you can chance it, break up with your boy, and go for his friend. He would be a bad friend though to your boyfriend if he went out with you.


Sorry about your situation. Let us know what happens.

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