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this is avi. i've recently started practicing meditation. i want to know is it normal to become overwhelmingly emotional while meditating ?

when i try to concentrate on god or his words i feel almost choking with feelings... sometimes i feel god is so great & i'm so small & insignificant.. & that even though i've made lots of mistakes, i'm still loved & cared for. at times i feel if only i could lie in god's lap & just cry my heart out without any fear of being judged.

I'm not depressed.. am fairly social, enjoy my work & all the comforts i've been bestowed upon... then why do i feel so overwhelmed while meditating, though i do feel very light after i'm through with it.

any insights ???

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There are many different practises of meditation. No-mind is probably the most famous, but it is not the only one.


Meditation will bring about catharsis, so as long as no feelings that are negative are overwhelming you, it's probably ok. If you feel worried, try and find an experienced meditation teacher who will be able to answer your questions and guide you in your practice.

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