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Alone at 15 good? or bad?


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Hmm...I dont think you should be worried...Im sure you can go on a date, just go and ask someone you have a crush on. If there is a lucky girl that you like at this moment, dont be shy and go ask her on a date...But if not, just take your time and dont rush through things...Everything will happen when it happens


Have fun and be safe

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Well im close to like you ive only had one girl in my life im the same age and ive only kiseed around 5 times. To me it just seems hard to get with a girl or just walk up to someone and say "I like you". But basiccly what im saying is your not the only person that hasnt ever had a date or been kissed and dont worry cause even though youve never had a date that special someone that thinks your perfect in every way will find you.




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Ok, how do you present yourself to others?? Are you a prissy or a shy? Maybe your a jock? But what really matters is how others see you! If you seen really shy or quiet do little things to get people to notice you like turn in a paper first in class or hum. One of my fav things to do is ask the person i'm crushing on for change! They either have it or they don't!! now, they are familer with your face!! I hope this advice helps!! And anyway your just 15 you've got a LONG time to meet new people and crushes!!

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If you really want someone special in your life then you should go out and look for them.


It's taken me 30 odd years to notice another man, but I don't think he has any notions towards me. Life is funny like that.


Ah well. Don't worry 15 isn't bad to be alone. Don't be pushed, just enjoy your life. You don't necessariliy have to enjoy it with someone else, but it does help.


Don't worry I've never been kissed. Well not a proper one.

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