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gift ideas for her...


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First of all I wanted to ask you how long you have been in the relationship ? and what is her age?


It is great that you have been sweet enough to give her those thoughtful gifts and flowers already. I am sure they are greatly appreciated.


Are you thinking along the lines of a gift for the holidays or just a gift in general ?


The only thing I might suggest is not to go over board with giving too much too soon. Dont get me wrong I think it is awesome that you are so sweet to want to please her with little offerings of gifts.


Sometimes as much as those thing are appreciated there is a line where it becomes too much. I hope that makes some sense.

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You've just started this relationship and you've already given her gifts and flowers, and you're now asking what else you could give her? I thnk you've overdone it already. You're looking to make her heart melt then you're going about it the wrong way. You can't buy your way into a girls heart. I think you need to slow down on the material things and focus on being a fun and exciting boyfriend.

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Guys this guy was asking what to get her, not if he's moving too fast with her. As long as he doesn't have a problem with the speed then let's just help him with his problem at hand. So as for gifts to get her, something homemade is often appreciated and very uncommon. Don't know what it could be though. If you want, just bring her someplace special, a nice restaurant maybe. I really appreciated that when my bf took me there. You could get her a cute stuffed animal, her favorite animal perhaps? Or from a tv show she finds cute, like Winnie the Pooh or something. You know, just something that shows you listen to her.

Good luck!

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thanks everyone for the advice!

i haven't overdone it with the gifts, but i do understand what everyone is talking about. a couple thoughtful small items, and last time i saw her i gave flowers (for the first time). but since we don't see each other all the time, it'd be ncie to give her something small. i think she'd like that i'm thinking of her like that while i'm not with her. usually we just spend time together and try to value our time together as much as possible. it's not about buying her stuff, just looking for ideas on small affectionate gifts. thanks!

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