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Hot girls know it

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Howdy ho people,

Just wanna say something. People that say girls look for more then just looks, well it's just not true. People say they go for confident, witty, intelligent guys who care for them. But you know what there are plenty of real handsome guys out there that have the same qualities.


So who do you think the girl would choose? The less attractive guy that's witty, handsome and intelligent or the really hot guy that has all of those same qualities? I thought so......


P.S. sorry if I broke some hopes with this letter, it's just how I feel.

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Well you said it yourself...we do in fact seek other qualities than looks...do we not? And beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what I may think is attractive the next girl may not.


And also the statement is rather general and a tad naive. Age depends as well, and what you want with your life. At the age of 30 I care more about safety and the potential for having a family. At 16 the only thing I cared about was who was cool, and who my friends liked...that changes pretty quick once you start too age.


Awful young to be jaded....

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Segagirl- "At 16 the only thing I cared about was who was cool, and who my friends liked..." hmmm, that's so true from teen girls, especially the hot ones.... very shallow, the whole lot of them.


All they care about is LOOKS, who's popular and who they'd like their friends to see...


And it'll never change.

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Well yes it is great when we find guys with those qualities and the looks. but that doesn't mean everything. I get asked out a lot by some really really hot guys at school, but right now I'm dating one that girls don't find too attractive at first. He doesn't seem like that kind of boy that would attract girls like he does. But believe me because of how outgoing and awsome and fun his personality is almost every girl in the school has a crush on him and would choose him over any good looking guy anyday. If you were just to see him, you would think he's a goofy looking loser, but the first time you meet him you already start to get attracted. So looks definitely doesn't mean everything to some teenage girls like myself. Not saying that there aren't any shallow ones out there that only care about looks, because there are. But there are some out there who find that personality makes a person far more attractive no matter what they look like.

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what I may think is attractive the next girl may not.

I agree with this 100%... Jeffry, some girls maybe superficial; but there are also many girls who are not. If you have two guys with the EXACT same qualities (which, mind you, will probably never happen, because everyone is unique) then it IS based on looks.... But who are we to say which guy looks better. That is all in the eyes of the girl herself.


At 16 the only thing I cared about was who was cool, and who my friends liked...that changes pretty quick once you start too age.

This is all very true too... It is a phase of life where we like to impress and fit in. But, sega is right, It changes very much, the older you get. But, then again, it all goes back to 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' That's just something that will always be there.


Anyways, I hope you aren't completely put off by this feeling of yours, because women are wonderful. And when you find someone that is perfect for you, your mindset will change ;-)


Have a good one...

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Hi Jeffrey19, please don't take any offense to this but I can't help but notice a some resentment in yours posts. I can't speak for all girls but most of them don't like a jealous or resentful guy. If you are this concerned about looks what are you going to do about it. Looks are indeed very influential in a girls choice. It will always come down to looks at some point or another.


So you've figured out that girls do indeed respond much easier if you're looking good. Ever heard about the praise, "If you can't beat them join em"? that's the concussion I came down to. Try to make mindful effort in improving your presense among other people both girls and guys. Because when you're dealing with girls, you've got to accept the fact that there are other guys you're going to have to deal with, or a least acknowledge.


Start dressing better that includes developing an actual style, girls love a great style and if you can change it up every one and a while and they will notice. Just take care of yourself and don't let the fact that there are other great guys out there get you down, there is nothing you can do about them in the end. Not all Girls don't want the "best" looking guy, because that is impossible. (Although some girls try.) Just change this negative outlook on girl's wants into something positive and focus it on yourself. You haven't hit your potential yet unless you stay how you are.




One final note, if you find that you're going unnoticed where you are then go somewhere else. What does this mean exactly? Its a simple concept but it applies to all aspects in life. Good luck.

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Good words Bazooka....


Here is how to act around anyone (girls and guys)..... Confident!

Do not be overly confident, though (aka: egotistical)... Just be confident in yourself. That goes a long way with everyone. You will start to attract girls, and you will probably gain more friends that way. If you have a positive/confident outlook on yourself, people WILL notice you.


Hope this helps.

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Women look for many things but the most important thing is a connection.

I think at your age (19) the girl is going to go for the Hot guy b/c when you are young that is just what you do. You are trying to get the hot girl? I go for the total package( looks and everything else), but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Hot people go for other Hot people. If you are average then why not date a average girl, why are you only looking for a so called HOT girl when you are not so hot yourself. I never understand why men do not understand why a good looking girl will not want to go out with them, when they do not look like some Adonis. I tell my guys friends that it all depends on what the person wants, but if you are not cute do not be pissed b/c a hot girl will not go out with you! Some beautiful people are shallow, thats life! I say become a millionaire, then beautiful women will flock to you no matter how you look! Looks are not everything! Give all women a chance.

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You are no better looking than you are! You are you and no one else... Thats what you need to realize. If you try and be someone/something you aren't you won't get anywhere with anyone.


None of us can tell you how good looking or 'bad' looking you are, because its not really up to us to judge you. Like I said before, if you have confidence in yourself and have a positive outlook.... you ARE attractive to others!


And by you saying "I am attracted to cute girls, but not the others..." You are the only judge of who's cute... to you! Those "others" could be damn good looking to me, or anyone else; and the girls you deem as 'cute' could be butt ugly to me. That is the nature of the phrase we have been mentioning. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."


What you need to do, in my opinion is stop worrying about what others think of you. Just make sure you like yourself inside and out and have confidence; go out and have good times. You will find someone that you think is "cute" or even "hot" and they will be just perfect for you. But, this will only happen if you aren't superficial about the situation. ;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jeffery dont believe them.

Iam confident,outgoing,iam a musician in aband and a producer who has a 12ich single out very soon.....so iam not a boring person with no passion or interests....but i'll tell you from my own experience.....Most and i say Most girls are shallow.Iam not good looking,iam short and iam not "fit"..Ive come to accept that now...and iam really happy with who i am...I can go in any Bar,Club,Restuarant etc and hold my head up high....Because iam kind,funny and talented,most of witch these young shallow tarts have none of the 3 i just mentioned.

Ive never had a girlfriend since i was 12(And that was for only 2 weeks).Iam 21 now.....yea yea,you may say iam too young to care about these things or to young to be so bitter,but iam a sensative and intelligent person to understand that no matter what,iam still single,never been appreciated by a girl my own age,never have a any female company and iam always and i litteraly mean always ignored by girls whenever i go out...witch is most weekends,even if i let on to them.Witch tell's me that most girls out there are shallow...and they only care about one thing....."Is he fit?"......

I dont know how old you are...and what your overall outlook is on this siht your going through......but i have become bitter,i dislike girls,infact i have no respect for them what so ever,iam not looking for a girlfriend anymore or sex,love etc.....because i dont care about them.I couldnt care less if they died tomorrow.Iam concentration on trying to get a brake in this music industry.....If i fail,then i fail....but at least i tried to do something with my life....witch is what you should be doing...or maybe you already are.....Iam not influencing you i into becoming a woman hate like me.....you have to make your own choice in life....but try and try and try to not let those arrogant pieces of siht upset and damage your confidence....because at the end of the day..all woman are think,sluts and have no brain.......Alwyas remember that.

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"I only like hot girls". "Women are scum". What are you people saying? I could be all nice and say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', (which is true, by the way), but what I'm actually going to say is get over yourselves. We are NOT scum, and a lot of us are NOT shallow, and I'm not surprised neither of you can get a girlfriend if that's the way you express yourselves, making stupid generalisations like that. Women-haters are not going to get anywhere with girls, of course they're not.

Jeffrey, there is still hope for you. I know you feel disillusioned right now, and that's OK - it happens. But firstly this 'hot girl' thing has to stop, because it hasn't worked for you so far. I suggest making a list of what you find attractive in girls, then try and broaden your horizons a little. I'm guessing you go for big boobs, probably blondes, pretty face, right? Well that's fine, but all I'm saying is try not to be *too* narrow minded about that stuff. Make friends with women, talk to them - you might find that some aren't as shallow as you thought.

As for the music guy - so you can't get a girlfriend! Deal with it! It seems pretty obvious why, to me. And if you label my gender scum ever again I hope you die horribly. And before you say anything I'm not some idiotic OTT feminist, I'm just a woman who is angry with you, OK?

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Music, you and I are both the same age. It blows my mind that you would want to try to make those comments. You talk like all women are the same so why not figure your attitude/towards women and then find out what works. That way you've got plenty of girls to chouse from, then when an awsome girl comes around she'll be honored that you actualy chosse her. Its not going to happen overnight.


Just start talking to women everywhere, do it just because. But remember to keep a positive attitude, Always. That is one of the many number one things to remember when it comes to any lady. Just never forget that your own life always comes before any girl. Women simply enhance our lives. Period.



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