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its only been 1 week we broken up.

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I havent spoke to him for 3 days. and today I decided to break NC and send him an email. i know i shouldnt do it.


It was nothing about our relationship. It was something else. I send him a link about baby pandas because he likes those.


I didnt expect him to reply back but he did.


He wrote:



it's no biggie, thank you for the link.

I can't see the video tho. I'll have to try it on another computer.

feel free to email me when ever





It seem as though he stil wants to be friends, which is cool w/ me. but do u think hes over me already? i mean it was just a week ago. u cant forget someone that fast right? Do i still keep contact w/ him only sometimes not everyday? or not at all?


and also, should i reply him back ?

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Well I'm guessing that you are the dumpee and he is the dumper. Do not keep in contact with him, even if it's to send him emails about baby pandas. It's not good for you and your healing process to keep in contact with him at all. If you want to get over him, don't email back, or at all until you KNOW you're over this guy. Be strong, be brave, keep posting.

Good luck!

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Well I'm guessing that you are the dumpee and he is the dumper. Do not keep in contact with him, even if it's to send him emails about baby pandas. It's not good for you and your healing process to keep in contact with him at all. If you want to get over him, don't email back, or at all until you KNOW you're over this guy. Be strong, be brave, keep posting.

Good luck!


thanks!!! do u know why he replied back right away? u think hes already over me?


he broke it up but i told him i was planning on breakng up too.. so its a mutual break up? i am sad that things didnt work out good cus we were so in love. but it didnt work out. i know that i want him back and stuff but i dont think i wana get into that relationship again it was very hard for me. so do i still keep in touch sometimes ? or jus let fate decide n give time. and just wait til he contacts me?

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