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is this ever going to end?

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after having my ex ask me to snuggle with her lastweekend.....i find out lastnight that she has a new boyfriend shes been with for over a month.

another decieving lie from her. another stab in the heart for me. when i heard this my stomach turned and it still turns. i cant believe she continues to lie, decieve, manipulate me. she has told me lie after lie and yet she insists she loves and cares about me. i cant believe someone can be so crule to someone. i dont know how she sleeps at night.

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So why did you let her snuggle with you?


I know your pain, one of my friends betrayed me but we are ok now but I dont think I can trust her as well as I could before.


Abandon this woman...she only can cause you more pain and harm. Cut yourself out from her and avoid her, she sounds like a nasty piece of work and will cause pain for you again if you aren't careful.


take care and good luck...

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i didnt snuggle with her. she was waisted and i had the power to say no thanks. i just cant believe that she not only screwed me over but she is doing it to her new boyfriend. i have cut complete ties with this girl. she makes me want to puke. to think 3 years of my life were waisted on her also makes me want to puke. she is a spineless coward. enough said.

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