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Suggestions to romance a man!

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Well the ex, and I are considering getting back together, and are hanging out. And have gone out to dinner, movies. ETC...


But I want to romance him...


What can I do? I have read suggestions on the internet.


I have done the little love notes, the phone calls. The praise of things he has done. I have let him play his favorite video games. I have taken him to an Aquarium to show him that i love him...


What else...


He is a techy kinda guy...I could create a little web page of things that remind me of him.


Not sure what else...


What other things have you guys thought of to romance a man, or men what would you like?

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Well, if you have done all those things, what has he done? I hope something in return? If not, you should stop what you have been doing, for a little while, and be very aloof. See is he chases you, if not, then do some more, then stop again.


And before I give suggestions, how old are you? Is sex in the picture?

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Well, if you have done all those things, what has he done? I hope something in return? If not, you should stop what you have been doing, for a little while, and be very aloof. See is he chases you, if not, then do some more, then stop again.


And before I give suggestions, how old are you? Is sex in the picture?




yesh he does things, but I want to start off on a strong foot. And sex is in the picture. And I am 23...


We broke up due to not taking care of each other and, I am trying to not go there again...that is why I wish to try something...new every once in a while.



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Show up naked! Sorry that just reminded me of an old joke. It's the whole women take work to be romanced and what will really impress a man is to show up naked at his door with a six-pack of beer.


But seriously, there's an author who has a series of books: Romantic _____. His name is Gregory Godek. There's romantic questions, romantic fantasies, romantic dates, romantic mischief.

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Show up naked! Sorry that just reminded me of an old joke. It's the whole women take work to be romanced and what will really impress a man is to show up naked at his door with a six-pack of beer.


Actually that's not entirely a bad idea.


I was getting my hair-did, and the stylist told me that she cooked her boyfriend a really nice meal. All she wore was an apron, and a neck-tie.


It sounded like a fun idea.


Also try not to come on strong with the whole romance thing; it can seem forced and end up backfiring.

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I suggested last week that a woman go to dinner and near the end of dinner excuse herself, remove her panties in the bathroom, and stick them in his coat pocket upon her return. Apparently, someone did it, and they had a very good weekend. So, the show up naked line of thinking can work.


Make sure you space things out and mix the areas up. You pulling a sexual move like showing up naked should not happen even once a month. Every two to three would be good. In between, other things you can work on: a romantic night, the two of you, nice dinner, good setting, wine, etc.; gifts that speak to his inner child (a game he liked as a child, a new video game); activities that speak to his inner child (take him sleigh riding or snow tubing); things that show him you trust him; things that show him you listen to him; etc.

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