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interpreting body language (or sumthing like that..)....

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what does a girl mean when she does these things:


1) i find her looking at me but she turns away when she realizes i've seen her..

2) when she sees me looking at her first, she DOES look me in the eye for a few seconds and then looks away...

3) she is not trying to talk to me - almost as if waiting for me to go up to her, but dont know what to say to her if i do talk to her.....


bcuz she sort of rejected me a few months ago and we havent spoken since.... though we see each other evey day in school... and i admit i still like her A LOT..


i sort of came hard on her (told her i liked her a lot..) and want to say sorry but dont know how..

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what does a girl mean when she does these things:


1) i find her looking at me but she turns away when she realizes i've seen her...


Could mean anything. This is definitely not something to think about because 99% of the time this means squat.


2) when she sees me looking at her first, she DOES look me in the eye for a few seconds and then looks away...


Still nothing. It could mean 1 of 100 things. This is not a sign of interest that anyone should pay any attention to.


3) she is not trying to talk to me - almost as if waiting for me to go up to her, but dont know what to say to her if i do talk to her.....


You are making a huge assumption if you are assuming that she is indeed waiting for you. The only way to find out is to ask her out.


bcuz she sort of rejected me a few months ago and we havent spoken since.... though we see each other evey day in school... and i admit i still like her A LOT..


i sort of came hard on her (told her i liked her a lot..) and want to say sorry but dont know how..


Oh... you've already asked. Then she is not interested at ALL. Please stop looking for little signs that somehow she woke up one morning and changed her mind about you. Nothing has changed at all. It's way past time to move on. Do not ask again.

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umm.... i have no intentoin of asking her out again... (though i didnt "officialy" ask her ot b4 either..)


but i just want to be on talking terms with her..

and if she gave me a sign or said we cant be friends, i would take it and stay away but so far she has not done that ...


Okay, I just didn't get the impression from your post that you were over this girl. Asking what her glances mean, what it means if she makes eye contact, wondering if she is waiting to talk to you, etc does not seem like you are only thinking of this as platonic friends. I know I've never asked these questions regarding platonic friends. Plus, your name "can't stop loving her" also kind of signals that in fact you are not thinking of this as "just friends". Besides, if she isn't talking to you then what kind of friend is she, and why would you care to have someone like this in your life?


I'm just worried bro, I'm worried that you are about to make some unhealthy choices and I hope you make the right ones. If you have any attraction to this girl then I'd think the best thing would be to let it go, and I do suspect that this is the case. I doubt you ask questions like you have regarding every friend (or even another friend) in your life. The line of questions does seem to be influenced by an attraction.

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Welll.. I am not exactly saying I dont like her..

She is sum1 whom I dont think I will ever be able to get over..

but I guess I just need to talk to her to get that satisfaction, cuz right now, as it is going, I am going to be seeing her EVERYDAY, for the next 6-7 months, and I will not be able to go on after that without having a go..

(if that makes sense...)




Besides, if she isn't talking to you then what kind of friend is she, and why would you care to have someone like this in your life?


I have found out that she is sort of shy whe talking to people she doesnt know, and she doesnt really know me....


So, taking that point, is there sum way i can act or give a sign to make her feel easy or know that i wouldnt mind talking to her...


Keeping in mind that i see her between classes for a 20 - 30 mins twice every schhol day....

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Yes you can get over her. I don't mean this as an insult but you're just 17 and are very naive to the world. You have a lot of growing to do when it comes to self respect. If you had a healthy level of it then you wouldn't be attaching yourself like this to another human being who doesn't even want you back.


Read this link:



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Yes you can get over her. I don't mean this as an insult but you're just 17 and are very naive to the world. You have a lot of growing to do when it comes to self respect. If you had a healthy level of it then you wouldn't be attaching yourself like this to another human being who doesn't even want you back.


Read this link:





no offence taken..


Diggity, did u write all that??

Its amazing…

Fits so many stories I've been reading on this forum (and sort of mine as well..lol.)


I actually have been trying to get over her -- as in not have feelings for her, but nothing works...

Though from now on I REALLY DO NOT want anything from her.

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