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*First post*


First... A little background. My name is Matt and I'm 18 (senior in high school). I never had a girlfriend in my life. (how sad is that? could be because I'm not a very interesting person (read: a geek/nerd/whatever) and because I was never really interested in going out. Looks could also be a factor, but not a big one (mediocre looking?). I'm also foreign (Polish). Moved to the U.S. about 6 years ago. I'd say my English is almost flawless but I still have some of my Polish accent.


I'm a slow and quiet person. Or at least I tend to be. Inside though, I'm hyper and very outgoing. I don't show this "side" of me unless I'm with my best friends (or if get drunk). I guess I'm the best example out there of a clash between id and ego. Id is the more powerful one though and I can't really do anything about it...


So there's this girl. I met her 3 years ago in a French class. I had a crush on her. I did nothing about it.


I met her again this year in a Psychology class (that's where I got this ego, id, and superego stuff from ^^). Yeah, well, I had a crush on her again. There was a project due at the end of the class (semester) and I partnered up with her. There was not enough time to finish the project in class so we decided to meet at her house. To make the story short, I heard some horrifying things there. She's sexually abused by her father (verbally sexually, as far as I know) and her mom is more of like her friend than a mom.


Class ended and instead of having psych we now have a free class together.


I asked her out couple weeks ago. She smiled and said that she works on Friday but she will call me on Saturday. I waited the whole day for her call but she didn't. I sent her a message asking what happened. She said she forgot.


Did I get rejected? You might say yes but I know she forgets things... A lot. When I came to her house to finish the project she wasn't there. I called her and she was like "Oh my God... I'm so sorry, Matt. I forgot. I'll be right there in 5 minutes". There's more. I left my binder at her house (lol) on that day. I called her and told her to bring it next day. Well, I had to wait a little more than a day because... She forgot.


I haven't done anything since then. We just sit together during the free class. Talk? Not that much. So far I'm pretty sure we have like nothing in common except that we like the same music. Opposites attract? I dunno. Seems like a disaster in a long run to me.


I'm thinking about asking her out again.


And there are her friends which seem very emo (I don't know them though...). And there's nothing that I hate more than emo kids. I read on her blog that her friends are the most important thing in her life. Well, I don't see myself hanging out with them. At all.


And there are my friends. They say that she's ugly and I shouldn't even look at her (Yeah... They're a little shallow). I think she's the cutest living person out there. Not hot, cute. Very.


Now, should I even bother? She has a *** up family, her friends are weird, she has some memory issues. I don't think we also have much in common. *Try* to forget about her? Or should I ask her out and see what happens?


Thanks for reading. Hopefully it's not too much. Tried to make it short.

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First let me say, accents and intelligence is super sexy!!!

Highschool is full of drama and most girls during that time are superfical and most people dont discover themselves until highschool is over. But "play along"?? What do you exactly mean by that?? If you honestly like her, then you shouldnt have to "play along".

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First let me say, accents and intelligence is super sexy!!!


I second that.


It shouldn't matter what her friends and family are like- it's her you're dating right? That sounds awful about her parents. Why doesn't her mom stop the harassment from her father?


But I don't think she values you very much- forgetting to call and meet you? That sounds really inconsiderate. If she liked you, I doubt she would do that.


If she doesn't accept your date this next time you ask her out or doesn't call, I'd consider her uninterested and not try again.


Good luck!

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