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I think im suffering from clinical depression

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i dont know how to tell any of my friends but i think im suffreing from clinical depression. dont tell me 2 sit down and talk 2 some one cuz i cant do tht after wards i fell worse. b4 now ive tryed slittin my wrist but i gopt disturbed, ive tryed and overdosage but i pucked up the pills. i just really wanrt 2 die can u plz help me...?????

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how long have you been feeling like this.


if it's been going on for a few months, then you might have a problem.

i went through the same thing. Then a friend of mine suggested writing journals. Do you write journals? if not all you really need to do is write how you feel, and why you think you feel so. so if your really mad just write, im so pissed off. im angry because...you dont even need to write full sentences, you can scribble, dont worry about structure, or punctuation just right until you feel better, it might even make you cry while you write, but believe me, ive tried it, and it deffinetely works. you can do it on the bus, in your room, any time any place, just try it please..you can include all the positve stuff too.

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someone very close to me tried to end their life many times. I've since studied the subject a lot, and have learned that you can be healed of this problem. Sometimes talking to someone is not enough. You need to talk to the right person, and that can be a shot in the dark - not getting the right person can only discourage you more. I'm sure there are moments when you see clearly - you CAN find clarity and happiness. Please see a professional clinic or hospital, where you can be properly assessed. Don't let someone push you away...you deserve better. Get properly assessed - you will probably get some medication that can help (sometimes it's as simple as a vitamin defficiency), and some proper psychiatric help. Getting help is not always easy...but you're important - so treat yourself right, and then everything else good will follow.

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yes you sound like depression has got a hold of you. Though I have to wonder...is talking to someone more painful then slitting your wrists? I would say a big no.


You don't need to talk to your friends, you need to talk to someone who can diagnose you and give you proper medication and coping skills. Right now you are so deep in depression I know that seems impossible, but I am here to say... you have to. you have to go, and you have to get help. It's time. It is beyond talking, action to get well is the only choice.

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Obviously, something has to change in your life to make you happy. Whether it is moving to another city, changing jobs, furthering your career, or just getting involved in a new activity. Think of something different you can do in your everyday life that will make you smile, and use that as an outlet. You are the one who can change how you feel about your life. The world is your oyster--you have the power to do magnificent things!

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You should see a doctor and tell them you have depression. Everyone on my mom's side of the family has it, so I know what it's like. Don't try to kill youself, and I'm glad you weren't successful because it will hurt other people in your family. Tell your family about it, no matter what you think they will say or do. Just go to a doctor and take care of yourself, alright

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