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Fired. How fabulous.

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So I just got fired from a coffee shop because I "Wasn't a good fit"... I don't understand what I did wrong. I asked them what I did and they said nothing, you're a good worker. I just don't get it! I showed up on time, I worked hard, I was really nice to customers...

I was only there for TWO weeks...how could they even know if I was a "good fit" or not? I knew how to do WAY more stuff than the other girl who started the same time I did....

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Often in a customer service oriented business whether you are a good fit when dealing with customers can be seen in the first two weeks. Do you think you dealt with the customers in the way in which you were expected? did you try to emulate the style of your supervisor and those of your co-workers who seemed to be favored? When you have a chance to calm down self-evaluation might prove valuable.

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The thing is, I've always been very good with people. I know how to make customers happy. I just don't understand though--if it was that I wasn't doing things the way my boss wanted me to, why wouldn't she just say something? She never told me to do anything different...

To be honest though, my boss was a mean, mean person. Not going to lie, I'm secretly pleased I don't have to deal with her. She treats all of her employees like dirt. That place has the highest turnover rate Ive ever seen.

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Well, there's 6 things you need to do now:


1. Find out from your boss WHY she fired you-- and you tried that, and it didn't work. OK. Move to step 2.


2. Look at yourself objectively and try to figure out what you might have been doing that your boss did not like. You may not have been literally doing things wrong, but maybe it was the way you hold yourself, or the way you are with customers? Too friendly? Did you talk to your co-workers too much?


3. If you still can't figure out why you were fired, assume that your boss had a personal reason for hiring you (e.g. she didn't like you, or she was jealous of you). Or assume, as someone else mentioned, that she had to fire someone for budget/financial reasons.


4. Use this whole situation as an opportunity to grow. Try to get some good out of this. If you cannot find any good, then take this as another experience to put under your belt. This is what life's about-- experiences. This is what shapes you as a person.


5. Once you've figured out why you were fired, did some soul searching, and got some good out of the situation--- STOP dwelling on the fact that you were fired. Hey, it happens, but in the big scheme of things, will this really matter? Worse could happen.


6. Start looking for a new job.


Good luck

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Customer service does suck.


I got "let go" from a job once for "not being a good fit" What ever the heck that means!


It means someone didn't like you - someone ina position to get rid of you.


I got asked to not come back because I stopped picking up everyone else's shifts and co-workers started to complain that they had to actually work their own shifts. When I was aked to be more cooperative and I said I coudn't pick up an extra shift, I was fired.




Not a good fit..........hmmph

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