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Well everyone my heart hurts no more for the person that I loved. I received a e-mail today stating that she wants to stop all commutations from me and that we must move on because she found a new man that she wants to get to know the funny part is that she said she never seen him face to face but she feels he her soul mate. After reading that I no longer feel any pain for loosing the relationship but what I do feel is that she is a very lost person and I'm over her now thanks for all the support that I got from every one the past three months.

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hey there.....


I realize right now you feel nothing, numb. And yes being over her is what you will need to do...But I want you to be sure you understand you are likely to have feelings that creep up in the next few days..weeks. The process of healing takes us back and forth through many stages...


Just don't ignore the feelings is all, and know that we are here if you need to talk more.

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