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2nd date ideas


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There are really in my book, two basic types of dates: ones during which you talk; and ones during which you do something, like a fun activity. Now, there are many dates on which you can do some of both, but figure out which you would prefer, fun activity or talking. And give us some more info, like your ages, backgrounds, etc.

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First date was cinema and firework display, anybody got any idea for a second date? I will be about 5pm onwards so no picnics or walks are possible.



'Cinema" haha....I love the way you guys talk.


Not sure how old you are but if you're both adults why not dinner? It's a bit longer and gives you an opportunity to talk more than the movies and fireworks did.


I can't think of much else because after 5 is too late to do most things.

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Sorry about my abrupt first post, i was in a real hurry at the time.


We are both 17 and it seems that we both like rock music and enjoy hanging out with friends and having fun, so i figure that fun dates will be best! We went to the cinema for our first date and watched a comedy movie, we talked all the way there and we seem to get along really really well, then after leaving the cinema we went for a drink for an hour or so and then went to the firework display. We of course kissed and held hands.


There really isn't much to do in my town apart from clubbing, drinking quietly in a bar or going to the cinema. There is of course other stuff, such as lasertag and go-karting but those places close after 5pm, and i think i would need to know her better to find out if she would like that.


laboheme, what do you mean by dancing? In my town its really all just clubbing, which i would find hard to call 'dancing'. There arent really any proper dancing venues.


Because we both like music i was going to take her to a gig, but there are none on this weekend!! So instead i was thinking of taking her bowling, i dont know if she enjoys it but im sure we can still have a good time even if she doesnt! I cant think of what to do afterwards, we could go for a drink, but to be honest it seems a little cliched. I suppose we could always see a movie afterwards if there is anything on, but i really dont want to get repetetive.


They are putting up an ice rink in my town this christmas, just as they did last year, so we can do that when its ready.


Im also thinking about taking a little trip to London in the next couple of weeks (when i can get a saturday off work!!) to do a bit of christmas shopping and im going to ask her if she would like to join me. It would be a bit of an adventure and we would get to spend the day together and get to know each other much better!


What does everyone think of these ideas? Any more to add? Thanks everyone!! abc

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I think bowling would be a great idea. Provided that you don't try to emabarass her if she cannot bowl. Also, think about what happens if she can bowl a lot better than you can. You should be able to laugh about it if she beats you.


You other ideas are fine.

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Taking her to a gig sounds fun- so you should definitely do that later on!


So for now, since that's not possible don't worry about seeming repetitive it won't really matter to her what you do as long as she's with you. So this weekend, maybe just walk around a mall or something. That's what I do, haha...


Bowling is more fun with a big group. Maybe you can have her and a bunch of friends go bowling and at the end of the evening part from the group and take her to get a bite to eat?

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Thanks guys! We are going to go bowling in a nearby city and then go for a bite to eat in a restaurant. She has also suggested that we take a romantic walk up the hill just outside the city, which has a great view of the city lights at night from the top. Sounds good to me!!


Thanks for all the help everyone! Much appreaciated. abc

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