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What The Heck Was this?

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My ex just messaged me, breaking an NC of months. I had thought she had at least missed me a little. Tomorrow is my birthday. Also it's quite odd. She gave me a cheapo ring when she was with me(I love it to death since it was from her anyway) and a piece fell off(I can still wear it). I squeeze the 2 ends together to make it able to fit around my finger again and kissed it and prayed that maybe one day she would talk to me. Sure enough, 3 seconds later(I'm JJ Says Nay obviously):


Taqunai (6:35:24 PM): look I know that I'm not ur favorite person bu tI have a question. What makes you so sure that God exists and that Heaven is truly a paradise?

JJ Says Nay (6:35:57 PM): Well I really don't know that he exists for sure to be honest. But I choose to believe in something for hope.

Taqunai (6:36:32 PM): and when you die? after having hoped all your life and then only finding nothing? what then?

JJ Says Nay (6:37:13 PM): Hehe, then I'd just have to find out whether or not I'm wrong at that point. While I'm alive though, having hope that there is a paradise after death makes me happy

Taqunai (6:37:51 PM): hmm...I hope you aren't disappointed...Just avoid angels named Elisabeth...

Taqunai (6:37:54 PM): thanks

Taqunai (6:37:56 PM): bye


Odd conversation, huh? Of course my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking however I tried to be nice to her, but what can this possibly mean? She knows I'm Catholic but why ask me something like that and why talk to me at all just for that?

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Dang, that was not very nice was it? What happened between you two? Maybe you should get a girl whose also religious and won't ask those kind of questions in a cold post-breakup way like that.


Well I don't think it was anything really, I mean lots of people are curious as to why people choose to believe in God. She was the one that broke up with me, she said she didn't feel the same way. But it's been months.


And Miserable, like I said I haven't talked to her in a while. I sure hope she isn't.

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See, if it were the other way around and you were the girl and she the guy, then I would say that Taqunai was missing you and wanted for a moment to feel your presense again.


However, Taqunai is a girl and they just occasionally do weird stuff like that.


What you do know is this:

1. She still thinks about you. (she did remember you.)

2. For reasons that may never be known she wanted some how to interact with you. (she did contact you.)

3. There is a high probability that she's going through some emotional stuff in her life right now. (what other time do you start to dig up old ex's?)


What course of action you should take is unclear.

There seem to be 2 majors choices. You could:

A. Leave it alone - Keep your dignity, but may never know what was motivating her.

B. Randomly contact her back at some point - This may just bring back old trouble and may make her think you're still into her and maybe push her away, but she may also be at a point where she is willing to talk.


I guess it depends on what your break up was like, who did what and why.


From your talking about the ring it seems like you still really care about her, which leads me to believe that she was probably the dumper, which would make me lean towards you trying to move on with you life. If she is really starting to come around, then she'll probably try to talk again.


So there you have it, you should probably let this situation go.


And personally, I did stuff like you did with the ring once, but its really best if you just put it some place safe and accept your life without her. -my personal thoughs.

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Thank you, Kile. That was very helpful. I was thinking that myself that she even remembered my screenname. As strange as her message was, she still did contact me. My plan once she messaged me was to be nice to her so that I can get an answer to as to why she messaged me in the first place. Yes she was the dumper and I have accpeted that she's hone, but the ring I just kind of keep on my finger to prove that I have no harsh feelings toward her cruel decision. But very good observations. I will leave it alone for now and see what comes of it.

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This is called believing in that all too famous false hope. She just wanted to see if you were still mad at her or not to ease her own guilt. Has nothing to do with her interest in you and this forum is filled with the broken hearts of those who buyed into something that wasn't there only to prevent themselves from moving on for good.


If you have any doubt as to her true intentions, you should contact her and ask her point blank "why did you contact me?" That way there's no wondering. You can have your answer and move forward in one way or another. And if she gives you any other answer than "I'm looking to get back together with you", then she ain't serious about it and is just playing psychological games and you should refrain from any such activity.

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This is called believing in that all too famous false hope. She just wanted to see if you were still mad at her or not to ease her own guilt. Has nothing to do with her interest in you and this forum is filled with the broken hearts of those who buyed into something that wasn't there only to prevent themselves from moving on for good.


If you have any doubt as to her true intentions, you should contact her and ask her point blank "why did you contact me?" That way there's no wondering. You can have your answer and move forward in one way or another. And if she gives you any other answer than "I'm looking to get back together with you", then she ain't serious about it and is just playing psychological games and you should refrain from any such activity.


I'm not believing anything, why do you think I asked? Obviously she has some shred of care if she's contacting me. Guilt for her usually turns into a bigger path way. I'm not looking for her to get back together with me, I just, once again, wanted help interpreting, thereforeeee I asked. I'm not going to persue it because that is a bad idea, to persue means that I'm crawling back to her, it's about time she come to me if she really wants something, which she has.


I suppose I really was looking forward to a happy birthday from her. It sure would have put a smile on my face.

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Very interesting indeed. Complicated though. I think though, there is one thing we all looked past that had caught my attention:


"Just avoid angels named Elisabeth..."


Unless I read the other posts too fast, this may give you more on what you want to find .


-If this has already been clarified...my apologies.

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Very interesting indeed. Complicated though. I think though, there is one think we all looked past that had caught my attention:


"Just avoid angels named Elisabeth..."


Unless I read the other posts too fast, this may give you more on what you want to find .


-If this has already been clarified...my apologies.


I keep reading that over and over to myself, and I can't figure out what it means. I suppose it's just nonsense but then again, maybe not.

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