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how do I look for love again.


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well things recently took a turn for the worst.


posted my probs elswhere....


so I am 28 and single again...


I loved my ex very much, and I am not looking fro love right at this moment but want to give myself hope.


The last person I loved was my first girlfriend that I started seeing when I was 17..she ran off with my roommate at college! so 8 years later (many girlfriends inbetween, but no love) I met my ex..which tured bad. I am shy and dont really go for anyone that I dont truly think I could introduce to friends or now I have some kind of future together.


what is the best plan for me... become more open? I am stuck in a smaller town and the social life is not great but I am travelling to visit friends at weekends etc. and am out as much as possible. I have my own business tro focus on too, and this may put people off.


I am also scared of love, because I have been hurt everytime, and know I am vunerable.

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im in the same boat as you, 25 and single for the first time in 4 years..its hard especially when its not your choice to be single..


im also very wary, i don't know what to suggest, just trying to have fun and when the time is right i will meet that person..


not ready for love just yet, when you have been hurt i imagine that its hard to love again, that is waht i think anyway...


im pulling for both of us, miss right is out there somewhere

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Hey you


The funny this is iv been tro the same thing but well kind the same thing, im 23 and at the age of 17 I started to date this guy and he become my first love, boy I was crazy about him but the messed up thing is im still crazy about him, I see him around and it kills and the stupid thing is he still loves me too and this is all 5years down the line after breaking up with each other.


But one advise even if you were to go back to her it would never be the same ever again people change and, as time goes no I can never stop loving your first no matter what people say but you kind learn to live with the pain and memories and trust me after a while you cant even feel it.


But there is no such thins as having loved once… ya you can only FALL IN love once, but you can love many times.

Iv moved on when I thought it was never possible so take it from me I can move on and don't wait fro some one and don't look for some one let that someone look for you. Things most happen when they unaccepted.

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your right...I also re-read my post... reads Like I have only lo0ved one girl...not the case.... I have been in love twice...my first love at college and my last GF, who I met just after my mums death.


even though I had GF's inbetween and really liked one girl, I never got deep with anyone inbetween, making it a 8 year break and even though in my previous posts about my current situ, I am getting over things. I am concerned that I might be going about things the wrong way. I had thoughts of spliting with both my 'major' ex's as things were not right. However I realised I loved them too much, only for them to dump me and find someone else either before they did a 'runner' or straight after, leaving me hurt. I am a loving a sensative person, but I have been down recently, so that has confused matters. So dont know if I will have to wait another 8 years...I really hope not!


I wasnt looking for love when I met my last GF, god it was two weeks after muy mum had died...I supppose that gives me hope. I am not doing well today miss her, and wonder If I was at fault more than I am making out?

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Hey you


You know what first things first, what ever you do don't blaming your self for anything only makes you weaker, it's all about being strong and dealing with the problem an thing what if and if only.


Falling in love IS THE MOST PAINFUL experience even if it is good or bad. But you loose that love it changes everything. I know. But the thing to do is think about the good time and think to your self she not the same person any more, try to think of the bad things and try to hate her a little it does work, like you said only two weeks after your mum, only someone heartless would do that you needed her then and she left you to. That's not love and if you had stayed with her think to your self would she have been there for you tro think and thin????

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