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Should i tell him i like him.. don't want to make it weird between us!

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Ok so I really like this guy.. he is amazing i think about everything we talk about. (i'm probrably starting to sound scary!) We went out about a year ago but it was nothing serious we hardly talked and just kissed a few times. So it ended after just 4 weeks. Yea i wanted it to finish too it was boring .. the only thing is i now want him back so badly... i don't know how he feels about me though. He does make the effort to talk to me and we have a laugh and that. We talk at least once every night and quite often at college but i'm just so shy and can't face telling anybody i like him incase he doesn't feel the same and it ruins things as us being friends. i want to get closer to him but i'm not sure how, i feel i'm making it blatently obvious i like him if i start texting him. I think i will end up telling him i like him but i don't want to lose him as a friend what should i do!?


Charlee x

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