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if i hug him how will he feel?

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hi guys, i need your oppinion on something please.

2 days ago my man came to me with an outside problem, he didnt do anything wrong, and neither did i, but family issues on his part is causing us problems as a couple.

before he talked to me 2 days ago we were fine, no problems,great relationship, now we seem like strangers, we are hardly speaking, if we do speak we always seem to remember something that was good between us, and we both end up laughing,then its back to silence, we live together, and for the past 2 nights i have been sleeping on the couch, he didnt tell me to it just ended up that way, it feels like we arnt together anymore in the way he acts, and it is so hard because i am being pushed away for doing nothing wrong. i have tried to explain that his problems are mine too and that we can work this out together but it makes no difference to him. he says he doesnt see a light at the end of the tunnel.

how can he love me and want a future with me 2 days ago, and because of something his family has done, he now says he is unsure if he wants me anymore.


ok my question is, talking is getting me nowhere, last night i missed him so much when i was on the couch, and all i wanted to do was go upstairs when he is sleeping, give him a hug and whisper to him that i love him no matter what problems life throws at us, if i did that, how would he feel? i am so scared of him rejecting me

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