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im confused

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ok, so i asked if this girl wanted to hang out with me when she was free and she was really happy about that, and said yea and wanted my number, she would have given me hers but her phone was taken away, anyway,


my problem is like, yesterday went hella smooth, what i don't get is today.


i was like getting like a vibe she was in a bad mood or something, so i felt bad cuz of that...the weird part was like she was sorta flirty though, like looking at me and exposing her neck, or flipping her hair over her shoulders and playing with it, or just straight-up looking at me. she seemed happy but was in a bad mood about something. it was really ******* weird haha.


anyone have any ideas as to what it is? maybe you girls out there would know?

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maybe she is in a bad mood because you didn't make a move on her? maybe she wanted you to be affectionate or kiss her?


If it doesn't happen for me - i get in a bad mood. My vibe is all wrong with that person - yet i still like them...so they end up getting confusing signals.


Just flirt back...and make sure you are open with how you feel. MEN - you really do need it spelt out to you don't you!! lol



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ok, so i asked if this girl wanted to hang out with me when she was free and she was really happy about that, and said yea and wanted my number, she would have given me hers but her phone was taken away, anyway,


my problem is like, yesterday went hella smooth, what i don't get is today.


i was like getting like a vibe she was in a bad mood or something, so i felt bad cuz of that...the weird part was like she was sorta flirty though, like looking at me and exposing her neck, or flipping her hair over her shoulders and playing with it, or just straight-up looking at me. she seemed happy but was in a bad mood about something. it was really ******* weird haha.


anyone have any ideas as to what it is? maybe you girls out there would know?


Her phone was taken away? Doens't she have a home phone number? Get that.

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Well, I did make a move, I could tell she was hinting towards hanging out, so I asked her, my question is why was she all in a bad-ish mood today, it didn't make any sense to me at all.


Don't start playing the emotional tampon and ask her what's wrong. Just keep being the funny and fun guy you are and avoid that drama. If she starts being dismissive or rude, then don't say anything, move on to someone else, and talk with them instead. If you start getting into the "Oh, what's wrong?" crud then you are opening up a bag of worms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you misunderstood me my question to enotalone was why she was in a bad mood, but..


all that doesn't matter anymore, my friend did me a favor and put in a good word for me, now she's pretty interested in me and she's had a taste of my personality so, I see things going pretty good for me, since I'm not really in the friends category, and everytime I talk to her everything gets better. she displays a lot of courtship signs and i feel the vibe she's pretty interested. I'm gonna ask her to hang out in a few more days. then once we get comfortable with each other and like each other, I'll ask her out. We have a lot in common and good chemistry so i'm pretty confident with this relationship right now haha.

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