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Contact or not?

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Ok so my previous post slightly touched on our break up. This evening I received an email from him asking for a couple of things back that I have. He started asking for the digital camera, but whats weird is that he never wanted to carry or use it before. Then he asked for paintings that we bought together on our last vacation.


My question is this......we have been in no contact for a lil less then 2 weeks. Could this be his way of contacting me or does this just mean it is over for good? I was planning on sending the stuff back eventually, but dont feel I owe him anything right now or that I should go out of my way to get things done on his timing.


I did not respond to the email as of tonight...what should I do?

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Hmmm.. hard to say as situations are different for different people...


I would mail them back .. or have a friend drop them off for you. or meet up in a public place.


I returned the groceries he bought for us two days before he broke up with me. I returned them to his house while he was at work! He mailed my house key back too. That did hurt, though!



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He is probably just mad that its over and just is trying to get a reaction out from you by making you believe that he is moving on. Him taking the things back is a way for him to feel a little bit better about the break up. I am not sure if he wants to get back, but he is sure being immature about it.


When I break up with someone, I would never ask for anything back or return anything. Break up is a break up, its over.

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ohh i am very naughty here indeed then - i put all his things in a bag and the night i was dumping him took it over to his - over the few months before i had made him take his stuff back but he didnt know it was because it was over really - i then saw him to say goodbye and gave him a few things i couldnt bear to be in the house that he gave me - he was upset but understood. It was in the end a mutual breakup but i had to get rid of those things for closure and who i was - he understood


It is upsetting but the main person is you so if you have to do it you have to

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