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Conflict with the boss

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Ok, I've never really had this kind of issue before, where I am ready to tell someone to just go F herself, but today came close.


I work for someone who makes it a special point, in words literally, to let you know she's THE BOSS. I've worked for some pretty smart people and they'd know better than to ever do this.


Nonetheless, I almost lost it today. I know she knew I was very angry, and it bothered her. I don't take crap at this point in my life anymore. Still, all I said was "I didn't have time," but I'm quite sure the non-verbals gave it away.


Anyway, how do I get through the days until 11/6, without getting fired, so I can give my notice? That's all I want to do. But I work in a very small place and you'd have to be a complete fool to not see the disdain I have for her.


HELP! Thanks

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why do you have to wait until then? thats only 2 weeks. I would give my notice right away.


In a word, benefits. It gets important at some point. I've been paying over $300 a month for nothing. If I wait two weeks, I'll have the privilege of paying $450 for something. Still, the way I feel, I'm just ready to say screw it and move on. I am just to the point where I just want to quit tomorrow! Of course, with a proper two weeks notice, because that is who I am.

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In a word, benefits. It gets important at some point. I've been paying over $300 a month for nothing. If I wait two weeks, I'll have the privilege of paying $450 for something. Still, the way I feel, I'm just ready to say screw it and move on. I am just to the point where I just want to quit tomorrow! Of course, with a proper two weeks notice, because that is who I am.


I dont get it still, your benefit deal you are not really explaining to me what exactly you are paying for. Give your 2 weeks notice tomorrow as a courtesy and you can ask them if they will let you leave before your 2 week time-frame , you may be surprised sometimes employers WILL let you leave before your 2 week time frame, but it is always better if you give them the courtesy. Just ASK. If you dont ask you will not receive!!

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6 words:


Smile and keep your mouth shut.


Yes, yes, I understand.


But at what point in your life, do you finally stand up for something?


I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Defending Your Life," but it's a very interesting movie.


Basically, they're shuttled off to this afterlife wherein the measure of their value is based in fear, and if they conquered it. At any rate, it's just passing through my mind. And this isn't the first time.


Last week really got to me, and I'm trying to hang in there. Yesterday, I talked to a fellow coworker who said she would have fought for those women, yet I did not. All because of a who is on a power trip and who has forgotten our mission.


Oh well, maybe I just need to vent, drink some wine, take a sleeping pill, and get through the next day.

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I dont get it still, your benefit deal you are not really explaining to me what exactly you are paying for. Give your 2 weeks notice tomorrow as a courtesy and you can ask them if they will let you leave before your 2 week time-frame , you may be surprised sometimes employers WILL let you leave before your 2 week time frame, but it is always better if you give them the courtesy. Just ASK. If you dont ask you will not receive!!


Because, my benefits don't kick in until November 1, so if I quit now, I don't think they are going to have to extend me ANY benefits. In fact, they'll probably tell me to take a hike to save the extra money on the premium. Hence, that is why I am holding off.

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you have to make a choice then what is more important. Looks like you have already made it. You are holding off.


I'm on the fence, right now. There is the practical side of me, but then there's the other side of me.


I've worked hard and put up with so much, to get to this place. Truth is, my house is paid for, my car is paid for, I can be in zero debt tomorrow, yet I'm so dang practical.


For once, I would like to stand on principle. Yet, I may be too much of a wimp to do so.

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As a boss Another....I would say be professional and get rid of the "attitude".

I understand you are upset...I am sure she KNOWS how you feel. Have you talked to her?

Yes...you can give your 2 weeks notice..that is simply a courtesy as to not inconvenience her while trying to replace you. ..but do you think it makes it ANY nicer for her, you or anyone to work under stressful conditions the next few weeks...knowing you would rather NOT be there? The truth is...your boss does not HAVE to accept your notice. Yes...it is nice.....but remember....your boss will be giving your next and future employers a job reference.

I am not sure of the details with your employer...but what I DO know is I think communication is the key to ANY relationship. Including boss/employee. Remember...your boss is ALSO a human being...who is NOT only out to get you. Try talking to her....you might be surprised at the results.

Just an opinion from the "other side".

Good luck in your new ventures

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No offense, but you have the nerve to me to say "the attitude?" Look, I seek neither to be controlled, or to control. I've had my chances and I am not interested.


What fascinates me, however, is just how do you think, or why do you think, that by virtue of a job title, you know more than anyone else? I can't tell you how many stupid people I've worked for. But I am not a micro manager, nor a control freak, nor power hungry.


And, I'm really glad you posted this, because you are just the kind of person I deal with. Thanks.

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WOW................I was merely telling you ....from YOUR post......

and as a business owner my OPINION. I don;t claim to know more than ANYONE else. Your post reeked of negativity for your ex boss to be...and yes as an employer...those are MY words of advice....and they still stand. You take them as you wish. No offense taken.

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WOW................I was merely telling you ....from YOUR post......

and as a business owner my OPINION. I don;t claim to know more than ANYONE else. Your post reeked of negativity for your ex boss to be...and yes as an employer...those are MY words of advice....and they still stand. You take them as you wish. No offense taken.


WOW, I'd say to you, lose the attitude as well. Look, if it's your own business, you can write your own ticket, but it doesn't make you right. I have a reason for negativity.


Let me ask you...how would you feel about putting two moms out on the street with nine kids in less than three hours notice? Such was the BRILLIANT decision of my f'ing, boss, over whom I am supposed to lose the attitude. You really need to investigate more, before you throw allegations around.

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PS..........truth be told...it sounds as if you have an issue with"authority" or anyone who tells you what needs to be done or what to do. Perhaps you should consider working for yourself......and gain a true respect for what it is what "Bosses" REALLY deal with. A nice dose of reality is ALWAYS good.

Again.........Just MY opinion

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Yes, yes, I understand.


But at what point in your life, do you finally stand up for something?


I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Defending Your Life," but it's a very interesting movie.


Basically, they're shuttled off to this afterlife wherein the measure of their value is based in fear, and if they conquered it. At any rate, it's just passing through my mind. And this isn't the first time.


Last week really got to me, and I'm trying to hang in there. Yesterday, I talked to a fellow coworker who said she would have fought for those women, yet I did not. All because of a who is on a power trip and who has forgotten our mission.


Oh well, maybe I just need to vent, drink some wine, take a sleeping pill, and get through the next day.



I understand what you're saying, I really do, and I know how hard it is. But you gotta do what's best for YOU and your PRIORITIES in life. You don't wanna blow away your benefits just because your temper blew up. Get your head straight for now, and follow your brain's logic (what the right thing to do is), not your emotions. Stick it out until the last day-- when you give your notice to her... have a field day with her! Lady Bugg did have a point, though, when she mentioned the fact that FUTURE prospective employers will be calling this boss for a reference...... revenge sux, especially when you're in the shallow end of the pool!

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I understand what you're saying, I really do, and I know how hard it is. But you gotta do what's best for YOU and your PRIORITIES in life. You don't wanna blow away your benefits just because your temper blew up. Get your head straight for now, and follow your brain's logic (what the right thing to do is), not your emotions. Stick it out until the last day-- when you give your notice to her... have a field day with her! Lady Bugg did have a point, though, when she mentioned the fact that FUTURE prospective employers will be calling this boss for a reference...... revenge sux, especially when you're in the shallow end of the pool!


Well, believe me, I won't be using her as a reference. I already have an MSW on my side who can actually spell. No worries, but thanks!

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Another......look. You never came on here with specifics. As a boss..it is not MY JOB to take care of YOUR family. It is MY job to hire you for what I need..and act accordingly. Putting the burden of your personal life on the shoulders of your employer is ENTIRELY unrealistic..and unfair.

I do not know what you do for a living...or WHY your boss made the decision she made........but to lash out at me simply because I gave you advice you do NOT agree with. Well.........that's the negativity and "attitude" I was talking about. Employers do NOT like that huge "boulder" you have residing on your shoulder....lose it. It is NOT a good quality. Do your job. Be professional....and leave your personal life at home. Sorry if that is not what you want to hear...but it IS what MOST BOSSES and EMPLOYERS expect. Period.

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