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Are cheaters really that bad?

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I was cheated on recently and am still very angry, having said that I strongly believe that we are responsible for our own actions and labels as superficial as they may seem are attached to us based on our actions!!!!


If we are good then ppl say we are good, if we are bad ppl say we are bad, if we cheat then that is hurtful and inconsiderate and that is exactly what we should be called.


Maybe I am just in a bad place right now but my ex cheated on me and I am angry and sad and very low so forgive me if I cannot find it in my heart to see the good in cheaters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just broke up with a cheater. Yes i think cheaters are bad. Not sure what is going through their heads. If they are not satisfied with a relationship or just need something more, why dont they just break up with some one first and then move on to do what ever they want? In my case, my now EX BF, was not trying to get out of the relationship. He wanted ME and then something on the side. He wanted his cake and eat it too. Read my initial post and you will get a sense of what he was all about and all the things he told me, all the while cheating behind my back. the initial post is here by me , is titled,,, ."He lies, cheats, and decieves, when is it enough" . He obviously has some horrible misconceptions to what respect, loyalty and commitment to ONE devoted person in his life. If any of you have time, just read the first post and you will see what a horrible person is. YES CHEATERS ARE BAD !!

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