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i dont know why i feel so sad?

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hi all,


i just subcribed here cuase of i'd like to have some help, i have a long distance relationship with a guy from holland and i live in peru. now we have a relationship for 2 years. we talk everyday by phone. i know something is wrong with me, cuase i just feel sad, when im all alone i cry.


i try to think what happened to me, cuase by his side, he's doing very good for me. sometimes when we talk, he notices im sad, but i say "girl's stuff".


i feel very ancious and i cant entertaint myself even if im doing the things that used to make happy.


i need to know why i feel like that, its very hard for me.



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Hmm only you know what you're sad about...what happens before you get sad? Is there a particular thing you think of, or someone you talk to right before getting sad? What problems do you have in life?


And also, tell your bf the reasons for it...it's good to talk to people about your feelings

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Hmm only you know what you're sad about...what happens before you get sad? Is there a particular thing you think of, or someone you talk to right before getting sad? What problems do you have in life?


And also, tell your bf the reasons for it...it's good to talk to people about your feelings

yes, i think there are reasons, but for me those are silly...i dont know. for example today i told him about a plan i'd to do within a year. he didnt say somethng about it, so i mentioned i'd to hear what he thinks about it. he told me that its far still. he doesnt think about far plans, cuase he thinks you never know whats next.


that scared me a little...

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i must get the point he's serious, cuase of the things he has done for me, i didnt mention we are engaged, and he is coming twice a year to see me. for that i think im a silly(yeah, i think) he's very nice, but sometimes im afraid everytime he is only making jokes while we talk. i'd like him to be serious sometimes and to talk about our future like he used to do before.


im being unfair to him... and i feel guilty for that, i should be possitive at this, he asked it many times. maybe im not good for this kind of relationship

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there's no something else going on. im totally loyal, and no matter how sad i feel, i cant stop feeling love for him. but its like that, im very sentitive and during all the time i have to wait till he's here i cant help missing him.


i dont know how to explain my feelings, it's quite difficult, even for me, i dont get why i feel down lately.


i just can say that i dont want to end with him, instead im looking forward the day we'll be together 4ever. i'd like to heve him next to me to cheer me up, but its just not possible.

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I feel this way too. I miss my boyfriend everyday, and most nights I cry myself to sleep. I think of the future too much, and I think you are too. You just want him in your arms, but it gets depressing that it won't be for a while. If you do see him, it only lasts for a couple of days and then you do the whole "goodbye" scene at the airport. I don't particularly like this aspect in my LDR, but I do it, because I love him. Maybe you're depressed because you found a guy you love very much and he's so far away, but other people find love just around the corner. You may think this is unfair. I feel like that sometimes too. But, I also think I'm lucky, because I found someone that loves me too. Keep thinking of the positives, and don't give up.

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yes, you are right Angeleyez, but its being very hard for me, i see him twice a year. he will come in febrary, i'll have being waiting 7 months then. during all that time, i get feelings that makes me crazy, sometimes i say better i finish will all this, but for real thats the last thing i wanna do.


i'll follow your advise, thats what im trying to do all the time, i dont see the day when all calls by the phone, waiting months and sad goodbyes at the airport finish and to leave all the sadness behind.

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Its comforting that I'm not alone as far 'missing' your loved one is concerned. I miss my gf terribly I admit, its been the two most miserable months of my life... But I keep going strong and fighting for what I believe in. Nunca me dare de por vencido. Aun en los momentos mas arduos.

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thats really sweet to say your gf must feel very happy to have you. sometimes i wonder if my bf thinks sane way as you do.


am i unfair to him for not appreciating all that he's doing for me? coming from so far away even knowing the risks in a far country and not knowing the language. doing a lot of effort to save the money for visiting me twice a year. invinting me to go to see his country and to meet his family. calling everyday to hear me.

so many sweet things and i cant stop feeling down, i think im sick or something...how much unfair i am

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Audrey, you're not alone. I often feel the same as way you do... I'm not afraid to admit it. Sometimes I think this whole 'situation' is unfair. The yearning and fustration is almost unbearable. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but then I remind myself why am I doing this. Ultimately, the pain, yearning, and fustration will all be worth it. I've always believed, that if its destined to be, it'll be regardless. Be strong, stay hopeful. I know its easier said than done, but at least you know, you're not alone.


Si esta destinado a suceder, sucedera como de lugar.

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Jalys, I agree with you when you stated, "Sometimes I think this whole 'situation' is unfair." Sometimes I wonder, why do I have to have a LDR? Why couldn't it be easier for me to find a guy near me? But, then I think to myself, things occur differently for people and I need to accept that. I hate the fact that my boyfriend and I are quite a distance away, but then again, I love the fact that we are together.

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thanks for your words they make feel better. see itsnt easy to not break down and cry when you have the one you love so far from you, i count the days in my calendar looking forward to seeing him. when i see a couple kissing on the streets i get sad too.


i think i just have one thing to do, to continue and being strong. i dont want to get over him. if i cant live while he's far away and being my bf, maybe i'd die of sadness knowing that not even we are together in love.

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Hey girl


Hold on tight and remember I'm always there for you to talk to. Just don't let go because at the end you'll have a very awesome thing to live with. (hopefully)


I don't know everything about your relationship but I think you miss him alot. I know how you feel and I understand.


Just hold on for a while and you'll be seeing him in Feb. Then you can decide if he's making you sad or if it's that you miss him which makes you sad


JJgoldenpro (I'll tty soon)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what you mean, I haven't seen my husband in over four months, he left four days after we got married, and I haven't seen him since. He's in the military... it sucks, I feel sad all the time too. Can't help it, can't say much bc then he feels like its his fault... then I start thinking it is, and it isn't. Keeping busy helps to keep the sadness away. The problem is finding the motivation to do stuff that keeps you busy, good luck!

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