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I feel like the only way I will completely heal from my breakup is by staying away from not just my ex, but friends who comes into contact with him on a regular basis. His close friends from before we started dating have not tried to contact me, even though we were all friendly and liked one another, and I know that is to be expected. It hurts, but I expected it. However, there are people that we met during our 5 year relationship that see him often, and they still invite me to do stuff that I'm almost certain he is going to be at. I don't want to know anything, or to be told anything about him...is it too extreme to cut those people out? I am only 2 weeks into my breakup, and I'd like to have hardcore NC for at least two months. At the same time, I don't want to lose those friendships permanently...

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There's nothing wrong with hardcore NC. I'm sure those friends will understand why you may decline going to some of the gatherings they hold. They know you recently broke up with him. I think you should continue NC, until you are fully ready to be in another relationship. Having someone else with you often makes the past pains fade away faster. You should even tell your friends that you don't mean to be rude, but you'd like to be on your own right now. They will fully understand. Hope all goes well .

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kekep, why dont you ask some of your mutual friends to get together but dont invite your ex? that way you can still keep a connection with them without having your ex involved. if you do this, i would absolutely not bring up your ex unless they do....and if they do, i would say that its between you and your ex and you dont really want to get into it.

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