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So Upset :(

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I received a call this morning... it was my agent telling me they decided to terminate my contract with the company I used to work for. I immediately feaked out, I am so devastated. I was doing so well (both at work and money) and I had so many plans, not to mention my daughters child support money (worries me the most)


As of now, I'm trying to calm down so I can think clearly what to do. I only have a month a two weeks left before I move in with my gf overseas. I was only able to save to 1500 dollars (currently -2000 below budget due to many family problems) I'm getting my last paycheck this week plus I'm about to sell my pc (the only thing I own) which will bring me close to 2300. Staying longer is out of the question, its been the two most agonizing months of my life. Not sure how long it will take to find a job, it took me two weeks to find the last one.


I'm thinking maybe I should leave with what I have, or stay and make little over 500-/+ with a minimum wage job. I do not know what to do... just need some insight.


What do you guys think

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hmm... if you can afford airfare, and to survive a bit with your girlfriend... i think you can do it, since you sound pretty miserable where you are.... however, if you are going to run out of money when you get to your girlfriend's.. thats probably not a good idea... you might be better just trying to suck it up your dignity and just working at a really lousy job for a month or so until you've saved up enough money... I know thats not what you wanted to hear, but you need to make sure you have enough money to move out there.... and find a job.. and get paid..... before you run completely out of money!!!

There are loans and such i'm sure you could take out.. but i really dont know how that all works

good luck buddy~

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My advise is to talk to your girlfriend. Don't forget if you're going to live together you're supposed to talk problems through.


She may have enough money to support the two of you until you find work. If this is the case don't let your pride get in the way. You're working as a team now.


Good luck

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