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I'm 14 and I might be pregnant..


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Hi, my name is KD.. and theres a big chance I might be pregnant.. see, I lost my virginity three weeks ago, and it was two or three days after I had ended my period. Not only that, but my b/f suggested he take the condom off, I still don't know why, but he did. And then we had sex again two days later. Lately, like the past three or four days, I've been feeling SO tired, I'd get a full nights sleep like 10 or 11 hours, but I'd feel as if I only had 2 or 3. Then I've had really weird cravings like, melted cheddar cheese... whole things o' cream cheese, milkshakes, and pickles. Then I've had these stomach aches every one in a while but I don't know if that has anything to do with being pregnant or not.


I just need someone to help me out here, I really need some advice.


Thank you.

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You could be pregnant, or you could just be sick. One thing for sure is that you need to find out for certain whether you ARE pregnant. You'll need to scrape up a few dollars out of your bank, or borrow from friends and get yourself a home pregnancy test. If you're pregnant, you need to tell your parents, right away. There will be NOTHING gained by waiting, and you'll need to make sure that you get the proper care.


How old is the genius boyfriend who suggested removing the condom? If you ARE pregnant, he has a stake in this.


If you're not pregnant, watch all the fatty foods, you'll be LOOKING like you are if you keep eating that way....

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Before you get yourself into a tizzy, you need to find out for certain whether you are pregnant or not.


Most over-the-counter pregnancy tests aren't effective until after your first missed period. The earliest detection through an over-the-counter pregnancy test is 6-8 days after conception. This aside, it's all about the timing of your own cycle.


If your periods are regular ovulation usually occurs roughly between a week and a half to two weeks after the first day of your last period. Conception won't occur unless the sperm can fertilize the egg. Most sperms die in the cervix within 24-48 hours, but some can survive for several days. Some sperm can also survive in the fallopian tubes for several days.


Your best bet is to figure out your cycle and get a home pregnancy test. If it's been at least 6-8 days since you had sex then try a test...but be sure you the test you use has not expired. Just like milk, home pregnancy tests also have expiration dates marked on the box.


If you ARE pregnant, I second what Shy Guy said. Don't hide it. Talk to your parents, or at least a trusting adult. You do have options. You're not the first or only person this has happened to.


If you're NOT pregnant, let this be a lesson. If you must have sex, (although my opinion is you're too young - why rush??) please, please, PLEASE use protection. Unprotected sex not only leads to pregnancy, but transmission of sexual diseases, some of which are incurable even today, and will stay with you throughout your entire life.


Good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi, I just thought I would say hat it is really too earl for you to be having cravings at this stage and even tho you could be tired as a symtom then its unlikely. Do you have a brook clinic near you? They are good. If you are pregnant then you are going to have big choices to make but if you need any advice let me know and I'll try and help, I've been there too. Good luck x

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Hun you better take a pregnancy test soon cause you have the syptoms of being pregnant and your boyfriend is to blame. If you can't a ford to by a pregnancy test see a doctor, trust me it's better to finfd out than to wait. If you wait your parents will find out with you than you wont have time to figure out how your going to tell them. Choose so. Hope I helped. Good Luck.

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  • 3 years later...

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