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I've had serveral guys that have said to me "you wanna know something funny?" and ill be like yes and theyll be like "i use to be head over heals for you" and ill say well how come you never said anything and there always like "i never thought you'd go for me." recently i just found out that my crush told some guy that he thinks i'd never go for him. What the heck does that mean. Does that mean he likes me and is intimadated by something? OR what. ANd where do guys get these stupid ideas?~Goastbuster11

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Hmm are you giving off an air of superiority? Maybe you are shy and so people think you are a snob? Maybe you are not very approachable? What is it that makes you hard to approach? Are there things you are doing or saying which would scare people off?


Maybe you need to take amore aggressive approach. Take a risk, ask a guy out. What is the worse that could happen? They could say no. Why would these people think you would never go for them? Address these questions and you will have a much better time figuring out a solution. That is what you want after all, right?

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I would not blame any of this on you. I think that it is just because they had a BIG lack of self-confidence, and eventually, well, i dont know how to say it. Just picture this as a giant food chain. Over time, as their self-confidence goes down, you go up farther and farther on the food chain. They still stay at the bottom. In reality, everyone is just on the same level. They just start seeing you as being "way out of their league."


Hope this helps

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  • 1 month later...

i say there every now and then, allwase to girls that i still have a crush on and still think there out of my leage, make a move and they will go with it i dont know why it is we say that, its kinda to get your appinion on wether you ever consided us i guess.


good luck with what ever you deside



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  • 1 month later...

Most people are underconfident. I don't blame them. In many cases, it's because they have vast deficiencies. In other cases, it's just being overwhelmed by life. What I'd do in your situation is to get contact information from all of these guys, and then date 'em, but don't let 'em taste the ...uh... canned goods. You can then negotiate for the best one at the highest degree of freedom!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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