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No One Approves of My Marriage

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I am the only friend my husband has ever had and the only one he has ever loved. I have never been so in love and I am the happiest I've ever been in a relationship. My parents do not approve of him though, and as a result, my relationship with them has dwindled to almost nothing. My friends don't approve either but they don't say much. It has tormented me from the beginning but I love my husband SO much that I hoped they would come around someday and accept him. I just don't see it happening.... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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Hi Princess


Thanks for sharing your prob with us.


Firstly, I would like to say that you should not feel stupid about wanting to deal with this at the moment under the circumstances. Your dad is sick, and would he like to finish his days with his daughter in this condition, and the nature of the relationship with the family looking so gloomy?


I really feel sad for your situation. Everyone judges your situation - but you need to get to the root of the issue. Is it something to do with the fact that he is an ex-con, or because of what he actually did (or what they think he did)? If it's about what they think he did, then you might have no option for everyones best but to tell them exactly what did happen, and then let them judge from the facts. The reason is that the only people that loose out by not dealing with this is you and your family and husband.


Have you talked this out with your family? Do they have any reason to dislike him other than this past?


I think you have to be the mature one here and address this issue with your family. Take the oppertunity to let your dad see his little girl happy before it's too late. Again, the only people who loose out from avoiding the situation are the people involved in this situation.


Hope this helps you some.



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