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Angry at the world..

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Well I have alot of anger towards many things in the world...and when I'm depressed (yes you guessed it, that's now, you're a genius) and I hear/read about one of them I get even more depressed...this will be a bit (ok a LOT) of a rant :


I hate how the usa deems fit to control as much of the world as they can, how it feels the urge to "police" it, how hypocritical it can be (I hate that the most) supporting terrorsim and tiranies to the left then "spreading freedom" and fighting the "war on terror" to the right.


I hate how many ignorant, mean and blatantly stupid people there are out there, how many countries, even huge ones are made by a majority of ignorant and stupid people. Anything ranging from cultures where women are basically enslaved to religious freaks that do every action of their life by their interpretation of their "holy book" and just *know* everything there is to know.


I hate the "liberal" and "open minded" "modern" people that will bash you and call you an ignorant if you have a divergent opinion from their definiton of "politically corectness"


I hate many other things but I can't think of any right now...anyone else having hate against the world ?


P.S... EDIT : I really really really really hate politicians

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Pick up a history book. This crap has been around for 3000 years. In fact it's probably better now than it used to be. At one time slavery was legal, child labour was normal and genocide was standard practice.


The USA is "damned if it does and damned if it doesn't". They tried to sit out the WWI and WWII and be isolationist and got condemned for it. I agree this whole Iraq thing is a mess and even criminal but there were lots and lots of Americans who were and are dead set against the war.


All you can do really is be good in your own neighborhood, help where you can and hope for the best.

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Yes! I am completely disillusioned with the world right now.


I think that everything does not begin with an ' ' I think the people that we think are 'good' are really the evil ones and I think that the people that the world thinks are evil are really the good ones.


I think the USA is a nation of medicated drones driving their cars because the government wants people to be paralized from the waste down and not be able to feel their legs. Then they get depressed because they cant feel their legs so the US medicates the hell out of everyone.


Did you know you can get on medication for almost any ailment that you have and then what happens to you then? You let the government alter your mind and heart.


the US is a place where big brother is at work and we have become addicted to SOMA such a brave new world, cars, mortgage, house, paycheck, pressed shirt, washed car, the daily commute, your daily dose of medication, and here you are. Cheers to that!

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i plan to vote against the current powerholders in Washington and help make the USA a true moral example to the world like it used to be.


i plan to support a woman's right to equality in any way possible and give religious nuts of all stripes a wide berth.


i plan to continue ignoring everybody who tries to tell me what to think and how to feel.


but i'm not a hater.


check that: i HATE the smell that my cat just created in the litterbox. *cough*

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i plan to vote against the current powerholders in Washington and help make the USA a true moral example to the world like it used to be.


i plan to support a woman's right to equality in any way possible and give religious nuts of all stripes a wide berth.


i plan to continue ignoring everybody who tries to tell me what to think and how to feel.


but i'm not a hater.


check that: i HATE the smell that my cat just created in the litterbox. *cough*


For the first time in my life I can say that I hate, and its going to be the only engine of change for me. Its a brave new world.

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All you can do really is be good in your own neighborhood, help where you can and hope for the best.


No, all you can do is not put these people into office...altho I'm not convinced at all that elected politicians are actually the ones that run things...they definitely run some things.


For instance in the us...what is the % of eligible voters that don't vote...40-50 ? They may be disgusted with both those parties as well...so why not all go and vote a third one...personally I found Ralph Nader seems to be the most honest of them...and certainly something new...but the truth is...even those people that hate the way politics are are not willing to make an effort for change...because they want to keep their nice settled life and don't care what happens to some far away country or to their own people...as long as it's not them!

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- I hate racism. Everytime I hear a racial slurr...I just can't stand it. We're all humans, our cultures are what divide us, not our race. WE NEED TO COEXIST. The fact that we don't/can't pisses me off.


- I hate the internet, because all it's done for me is make me more lazy and cynical.


- I hated public school. I hated teachers, classwork, homework, tests, being told where to sit, being told I can't say certian things, being told I can't wear certain things, being rounded up and herded around by bells...I hated being in such a prison. At least I was surrounded by a lot of other kids who hated it just as much as me.


....I could go on for so much longer, but the rest of my hate is focused more towards myself and that's boring and emo.


/end rant

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For the first time in my life I can say that I hate, and its going to be the only engine of change for me. Its a brave new world.
are you American? and you're not a Soma-addicted, depressed, mortgage-obsessed drone?


oh, i get it. you were talking about all Americans except for you, right?

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All you can do really is be good in your own neighborhood, help where you can and hope for the best.



I agree that you cant just sit around and *hope* for something better. You just cant do that anyMORE. The world is a different place that we live in now.


You can just sit, you have to act. and yes FAllout, I think people are used to their way of life, and they dont want anything to change....lets just make sure my tomorrow is just like my today. and go on like shiny happy people...holding hands...politics is tainted, I dont think elections are even fair anymore, can you even be sure that the person you voted for is actually in office?


people DO go and vote for the third party, but its those people that take all of the votes from the slightly more *liberal* party and then the conservative ones win. I say its time for a a revolution.

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I feel a bit better now...venting does help...now on topic :


Bent : it should be assumed when generalizing about a country, culture, whatever, people mean the statistic majority of the item they generalize about..


This forum is special in the way most people here are kind and generous, that comes with the territory of having suffered alot...but I have talked to alot of americans and I think most of them are ignorant to the extreme...both in the literal and figurative way.


Another thing I hate is media manipulation...it happens a whole lot and now I mean everywhere in the world not only the us...free speech has become different interest groups and media moguls spreading their propaganda any way they can putting the important lie between two truths...There is so much overflow of conflicting and contradictory information out there people won't bother to stop and analyze things and decide for themselves...they just "pick a side" and mechanically repeat the arguments that side feeds them to everyone interested...

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I agree with many of the above things. America needs a third party without a doubt. Your options are so few. I'm Canadian so let's get that out of the way first.

Here's what I see are the problems


OIL: get off the oil dependence. It's going to run out soon anyway. I suspect that this whole Iraq thing is largely about oil and for the amount of $$ it is costing you guys to run the war you could have come up with some alternative energy sources by this time. That way you could cut ties with some of those despots in the oil producing countries (you know, the ones you make nice to simply to get the oil) Most of them don't have anything near a democracy you are simply propping them up.


THE MEDIA: what is with your bloodthirsty media? Bill Clinton was one of the best presidents you've ever had and the media is still roasting this poor guy. Who really cares if he had an affair? The guy was doing a pretty good job of running the country. Al Gore would have been a good president as well. Why do you keep electing in George Bush. What is wrong with you people??? (now I'm getting mad). Stupid puritan BS thats what it is.


THE WORLD POLICEMAN THING. Look for more bang for your buck. Go to Darfur and sort that out. The people in Iraq were unhappy under Hussein but jeez, on the grand scale of things it wasn't nearly as bad as what is going on in the Sudan. There dozens of places that a few soliders could make a real difference, quit picking on the Arabs (oh yeah, they have your oil)

By the way, if I was from New Orleans I'd be really pissed that all our tax supported solider were messing around in the desert in some foreign country that doesn't want them rather than helping out at home!!!


ISRAEL: Where to start with that. Either cut them loose or else put the hammer on them. Realize that the Palistineans (sorry spelling) have run out of options and are basically getting screwed by everybody (Their Arab "brothers" included). You really want to make peace in the middle east? Tell Israel that they are cut off if they don't get to the negotiation table.

(I actually think the situation is pretty close to hopeless though)


THE MEDIA/Culture: Gerry Springer, Maury Puavitch, Hollywood, rideicioulous censorship - you are what you watch people!!!! Gangsta rap? Is that really a good idea? Good role models? Why is 50 cent worth a bajillion dollars? He sings about killing people and so forth. Censor that and keep the T and A on TV.


RACE RELATIONS: Black people need to get over the past and stop blaming whitey for everything. White people need to stop acting like jackasses.


OK I'm done. I wonder if this will actually get posted. Bit of a rant here actually but you guys down south can be really annoying and your prescence is felt EVERYWHERE!!!


My apologies in general, I know this post is kinda angry. I've met some wonderful and generous Americans in my life. Most of whom now live in Canada.

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I wholeheartedly agree with 99% of the last two posts by Fallout and Clementine orange.


Just a couple of comments to CO:


We actually have several political parties down here. If the Republican right wants to abandon theirs and vote Libertarian or whatever, I'm down with that, but I'd hate to see my own liberal voting bloc fractured. That same thinking is probably why no third party has any real power at this point. By the way, Ralph Nader is a bit of a kook.


Geoege Bush: When you say, "Why do you keep electing" him?", it compels me to respond, "Don't blame me, I voted for Pedro." Unfortunately, the statistics from the last national election do seem to bear out Fallout's assertion that a majority of my countrymen (at least 51%) are, in fact, ignorant. Personally, I blame religion. Too many people here study only the Bible and think they're getting somewhere. I disagree.


On the other hand, Bush's approval rating is currently at 33% (Newsweek poll). Maybe people are waking up.


Media: I would rather eat broken glass than watch Springer or Povitch, and 50 Cent has never gotten dime one from me. There is actually a lot of good, intelligent stuff in the media: The History Channel, National Geographic, etc. It seems unfair to me that choices of the ignorant 51% get all the attention.


Race: I really do believe that most of us, black and white alike, have gotten over it. There are those who fan the flames of hatred, but they only get into the news because they are controversial, and they are only controversial because they do not represent the mainstream.


I have had no trouble in surrounding myself with good, independently thinking, stand-up-and-fight-the-power Americans. Not one of them, I might add, has fled to the calmer waters of Canada--at least not yet. I will admit that there have been times when I've said to myself, "You know, Saskatoon was not such a bad place to visit; if things get any worse..."


And to dogheadma, who posted while I was writing this: you can't say in a public forum that all elections are rigged! Don't you know they're going to trak you down and make you disappear, man?

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Hah...it feels good to know I'm not the only one to think some of those things...minority it may be but not the only one lol


Bent you meanie..you've made dogheadma delete their own post now for fear of being tracked downand killed! (just a lil joke, not making fun of you...but *they* really don't care what any of us think unless we have any evidence)


Have you guys read "Double Cross" by Sam and Chuck Giancana? They're the son and brother of the most powerful mobster in history some say..Sam Giancana of Chicago - it's proven fact by now the CIA worked with him on several Castro assassination attempts and the bay of pigs...


Anyways, in there it is claim he and again the CIA were behind the Kennedy assassination...for the reason of Kennedy turning against them after being put into office with massive money help and the teamster union, plus vote rigging in Chicago and other areas of influence...


I found that book to be pretty believable and certainly logical, and their Kennedy assassination claim certainly more believable than that Warren report...but then again what isn't more believable than that lol...

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The world is what it is. I cannot change the world, however, I can keep the world from changing me.



I only am able to control the tiny microscosmic piece of the world around me. I am only able to raise my children and hope to teach them how to be better stewards of the world than my generation was.


My greatest hope for the world is that it dosen't self destruct before I live to see my babies have babies....

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Take heart. The world is evolving. Once there were kingdoms, and fiefdoms, and serfs. One day soon, there will be no countries, no borders. Those will be forgotten things, like the divine right of kings. People will remember them, but no one will live that way anymore. Populations will wash accross the surface of the globe like water. I think we are coming to a change in times, and the embryonic forms of what will be already exists around us. Hence your dissatisfaction with the old forms.

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