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nothing to say...?

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Before i ask for help on this, i'd like to say that i am NOT shy. I have been shy before, but i ditched that problem a few years back and it's so far behind me now that i can forget about it.


Anyways, I have trouble starting conversations sometimes. I mean, some weeks i can talk for hours (and listen to the other person, too), but every so often, there comes a time when nothing is happening. my life starts to suck for some reason (ask me if u want specifics), and my mind pays more attention to my problems than my friends. I end up getting in some awkward situation where i'm stuck standing there thinking about why the hell i haven't said anything yet and it gets worse from there. luckily, this doesn't happen too much, but lately it's been getting worse.


I end up thinking more and more about my problems and everything starts falling apart. what do i do?

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You say you aren't a shy person, so that's not a problem. If that's true, then it's okay to not talk. Not talking doesn't mean you're shy, and it isn't a bad thing. Some people babble with nothing to say which I'm sure you're aware of.


It sounds to me like you're stuck having trouble talking about some issues that have got you down. If taht's true I would talk to a few trusted people about them so you aren't so stuck in your own thoughts. that might loosen things up so you could speak normally to those who you'd rather not share other things with.

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Hi, KilltheSilence. I don't think you're a shy person, but I think you might be a person who is dissatisfied with mundane conversation. I'm terrible at small talk, myself. Most people settle for talking about people (either themselves, or others). While this can keep a conversation going somewhat, it rarely makes it interesting, unless you're really tearing into someone...and well, that's not too cool to do.


So, instead of talking about yourself or others, why not introduce more elevated topics to a conversation? As the late and great Eleanor Roosevelt once noted:


"Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people."

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hey guys, thanks for the advice. it's the most helpful i've had in a while.


to Zoe:


that worked. i talked to one of my friends about it and it gradually disappeared and my social life is back to the norm. thanks


to scout:


that is one of the best quotes i've heard. it's also true that the mundane is of little interest to me (i had to ask webster what that word meant before i knew it, though), but i like listening to it sometimes and giving a little feedback. i can keep a conversation going on for a while if the topic is analytical a tad better than if it is "average" or "small."


my friends love talking about what's current, but there really isnt much current, if you know what i mean. it happens a bit, but only lasts for a while.


anyways, thanks for the feedback, it really helped. sry this reply was a bit late.

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