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Girls: Ever jealous over guy friends?


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I don't have a crush on him, but when I suggested that a friend of mine likes him and he seemed really happy and hoped I was right, I felt really upset and jealous for some reason.(I didn't show it though, just told him he should make a move)


I mean, it's not like I'd want to go out with my friend and yet hearing him say he's interested in her makes me feel jealous. I tried explaining it to a friend of mine and she just said I'm weird because she never feels jealous over guy friends. I've felt this way with other guy friends too. Maybe I'm just weird.


Do any of you ever feel this way? Jealous but not sure why?

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I don't think it's weird, but certainly something you need to keep in check.


I think what it boils down to is that when we have a guy friend, we are the only woman in his life. A girlfriend represents a step down.


It drives me crazy when my best friend is dating someone (maybe because I dislike his taste in women), but I do want him happy. We are so close and when a girlfriend comes along, I find myself having to take the back seat. I just have to keep reminding myself that exploring romantic relationships is important/healthy for him and I try to check my emotions at the door.

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I think it could go either way. Like the other posters said, if you guys are close friends it could be because you don't want to lose him in your life. But it still could be that you have some underlying feelings. I had a guy friend that I saw a lot but wouldn't say I was super close to, and I'd get jealous if I thought a girl liked him, but always said I didn't want to date him. We've been dating for 2 months now

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It's just weird. I'm happy because these two friends of mine OBVIOUSLY have had feelings for each other for a few weeks now. I was even telling him why I thought she likes him and how cute they'd be together.


And yet I just feel jealous and a little sad.


The more I think about it, the more I think it's just because I'm worried he and I won't be as close anymore.


That seems to always happen because the girlfriend doesn't feel comfortable with my friend hanging out with me alone.


And while I used to talk to some of my guy friends for a long time on the phone it always stops after a gf comes into the picture.


Yes! I always felt that way with all of my guy friends before I started dating my boyfriend.


I always thought I was weird, though. glad to know I'm not alone.


Yes, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one too.And I love the Shel Silverstein poem in your sig.

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I think everything you're saying is normal.

A guy friend of mine lived with me for a while and when he started dating his current gf, I was a little weird about it. I wasn't exactly jealous, but at the time he was my best friend.

It was kinda like how it would be if my best girl friend started dating some guy seriously. You get a little sad b/c it's like somebody's taking your friend away. As long as it's not super intense or overwhelming I don't think anything's wrong with that.

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