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I feel really bad for saying this, and I hate that I feel this way, jus wanted peoples thoughts.....



I have recently met a really nice women, we met online, started chatting online, have a lot in common, get on really well etc etc.....We arrange to meet up, she was always very cagey bout sending a pic, but eventully I got one and she was (not wow got to have her now, but equally not urgh getme out of here), we meet up, she is large (I know she was before we met, but she did lie about how big she was), anyways I have never been attracted to larger people (please dont have a go...cant help it...everyone has there type...and yes I know you should look beyong the physical and go for the personality..), but we do get on really well, when we were talking all I could think about was kissing her lips...so now I am in a dilema, i do like her, but I dont want to lead her on, I dont know if I can get over my feelings about her size (i shudnt hav a hang up about it anyways Im overweight myself) I want to giv things a go see where they end up, but she hs fallen for me bigtime, and she has ben hurt in the past by people not seeing beyond her size/looks...I can relate to and understand where she is coming from which makes it harder as I really dont want to hurt her, or make her think more is there, but I just dont know what to do about it....i think I will come accross wrong if I try to exlpain how i feel to her.....i dunno....HELP!!

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From reading your post, I think you're attracted REGARDLESS of size due to her personality. I understand not being attracted to overweight people. I'm not either. But again, I think that you are attracted to her personality and that could ultimately make her attractive in your eyes. You said all you could think about was kissing her lips... c'mon. Don't throw away what could be a really good relationship because of her size. I do understand but still- you said you wanted to KISS her, you ARE attracted. Go for it.

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I also must clarify. I am not attracted to overweight people as in, I've never dated an overweight guy. The guy I'm with now is a tall beanpole. BUT, I've seen guys who were overweight who had really pleasant faces and if I had gotten to know them I may have found them attractive.


Also, my best friend, who's a bit overweight, is one of the most attractive people I know. She carries herself with confidence and has a really pretty face. She is considered to be attractive to guys regardless. No one is perfect. Consider what features this woman of yours has that IS attractive, such as those lips ( ) and her beautiful personality. Maybe she has lovely eyes? A person can be attractive regardless of size, I'd say.

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