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ok please help me!!!!! all responses welcome

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I need someone to help me tell my best friend how i feel about him it drives me crazy i love him i think about him all the time and he sends me mixed messages i can't wait till we spend time with each other even if its for 5 mins i have been in serious relationships before but i have never felt this way about a person i see him every day and it drives me crazy i just want to scream at him and say i love you are u so blind but i don't want to loose my friend if he doesn't feel that way about me i have tried to for get about him and just move on and when i kiss another guy i think about him the whole time god i am hopeless pleas help me guys advice welcome too

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Evaluate your feelings for this young man. Is it truly love, or is it that you have become so close to him in friendship that you believe that you love him?


If you truly do love him, or have strong feelings for him then it is time for you to decide if you are willing and able to handle and accept his response, no matter what that response is.


If you DO decide that you need/want to tell him, do so with thought and care. If you are too vague he may not get the hint, if you are too up front he may be freaked out. This requires a delicate approach like the one that SwingFox has suggested.


Good luck sweetie

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