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ok me and my gf as been dateing of a few mounths now. She was dateing my ex but then me and her stated going out. But she still loves my ex. i dont know what to do my ex has a gf right now. and my ex is talking about killing herself. i dont know way anywas my gf thinks that if she tells my ex that she still loves her maybe she will change her mind. but im scarred that my ex still likes her and they will get back together. i dont know what to do i love her with everything i have. im going to go live with her soon and i dont want to lose her. my ex hates me with everything she has. If my gf gose back to her then i will not be able to talk to my gf she is also my best friend.I feel like i cant live with out her.I go crazy just going one day with out talking to her. its the same with her. i dont want to lose her but i dont want her to be unhappy.i dont know what to do please help if u can. the qustion im trying to ask is shoud i talk to her and try to keep her mine or let her tell my ex she likes her still but i dont want to lose her as a friend or a gf. what should i do?


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I wouldn't have your gf tell your ex that she still loves her to prevent her from committing suicide .. is how I understood the story. If she does and doesn't mean it or won't follow through with it, it's going to make your ex feel that much worse .. which will defeat her initial purpose of telling her.

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Is she 16 too?


If she is then I would advise you to enjoy your time together and not worry about the future. Don't think about marriage yet because that's years away (I hope). Concentrate on your education so you can provide financial security for both of you and encourage her to do the same.


Good luck and take care.

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She's got to make her mind up who she wants, she can't have both! Plus it's about time she realised that she's hurting you deeply.


You've got to talk to her and be firm that she's with you or she's not. There's no middle ground!


Good luck and take care.

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Yeah if she says she loves someone esle i wuldnt stand for it, if it was just a crush i would but love no way, i would say you have to chose, you cant love both of us, chose or i am outta here. You dont deserve to be treated like this no one does

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maybe the both of you can work together and decide what you both think is right. suggest a help line to the ex. never leave your partners side when you are both with the ex. Maybe keep an eye on you gf and if she wants to talk to the ex, be with her and YOU BOTH ARE THERE FOR HER (the ex). That sexual attactment has to broken "your partner is with you now".The ex needs professional help. It's obvious you and your partner are concerned so suggeset councelling to the ex and you and your gf are there for her. make sure you discuss your feelings with your gf and make sure she feels the same way before any steps are taken. Be carefull around the ex thing attachments can be sensitive. So talk to your gf and see what she wants to do.

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