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I think me and my friend like each other what should i do???

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Ok heres the story. Me and my friend known each other for about 5-7 years. We play games and read mangas together. And stuff like that. She always wants to come over my house. And recently she sits very close on the floor to me. When we read sometimes she puts her head on my shoulder. She always goes where ever i go when shes around. I think I like her. And I think she likes me. And if she does what should I do??? Any responses apprecieted.

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Hi Crono!


Okay here's some good news and some bad news. You have to see things from boths point of view.


The bad news first.

Falling in love with a friend is somewhat a difficult situation to handle, and to make it go your way it demands everything to be perfectly executed. I guess you have made up your mind about how SHE feels about you, but (not to blow your mind of anything ..) you have to consider the fact that she does these things just because you are such good friends, and she likes to hang out with you. I'm not saying that she doesn't want you but be aware, if you blast out all of your feelings towards her, your relationship, as is, may not be the same.


This is no judgement day profecy so don't worry, as long as you are aware of this you should be in the "safe zone"


The good news.

Since you have been friends for so long, you KNOW this girl, you know that she's not just full of crap, you know how she acts in given situations + you already know that you have the same interests. This is the best part by falling in love with a friend; you save yourself from akward situation where you have to get to know eachother, you don't have to be afraid of rejection because you already know how she will respond to your quests but this goes both ways; she knows you, and she's not frightened to be with you.


enough about the news over to some action...

Eventually your heart and soul will be so filled with emotions towards this girl that they will demand some action, this is both good and bad; one day when you to are reading and her head falls on you shoulder you will try to kiss her. At that moment and only then will you know how she feels about you.


Here's some tips & tricks on how to find out if she wants to kiss you or not.

Let's say the two of you are sitting next to eachother in the sofa and watching tv or reading: Try to either tickle her or "small fight" her just to get some tension, do NOT piss her of or anything, just do it in a way that makes her heart know what you really want. Use only short sentences or do not speak at all.

If she smiles and respond to it in a way of "giving back" to you, that is a good sign. Now fool around a little and eventually you will be facing her at close distance. This is when you make your move but try to read her signs as to if she likes your playing or not. If she obviously don't, just back off and try again later, perhaps next week.


This method is usually the easiest way to find out what she wants. My theory is that action says more that words and the risk of saying the wrong things are eliminated!.


I hope this enlightened your situation, and the best of luck to you! I'd love to hear how it goes. And remember, it's all in your heart, don't fake anything.



best regards ...


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Well through research with my friends I found out that she thinks in mentally challenged and very very ugly. Im so depressed,crused,and torn inside. I feel like a thousand knives r stabbing my poor heart. Can anyone help me feel better somhow?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man! Use your brain

The two of you where toghether for a couple of years right?! Wouldn't it be outta this world if she really thinks you're ugly?. Doesn't make sense if you ask me.


If you want to feel better, you have to forget about this girl. Try not to think about what she's doing all the time. Don't send out researchers to find things out about her. Try something like this; put a rubber band around your wrist and when you start thinking of her, you snap the rubber band. If you do this everytime you think of her, your brain will automatically perceive her as pain and thus lead to fewer thoughts of her.. eventually non.


And find another girl to fool around with

You'll be alright..

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i was in a pretty similar situation a few days ago. my only advice is to talk to her about it. communication is the key of any relationship, wether it´s a friendship or a romance. one tip: after disscusing it, make a pinky promess with her not to stop being friends if the romance goes wrong. good luck

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