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I'm going to file for emancipation


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Hello. I haven't mentioned it here yet, but my family is horible. My parents are separated, but due to finacail problems, my dad is going to be moving back in with my mom, and I won't be able to take it anymore. Both my parents are alcoholics, they drink almost every night. They fight over the stupidist things, but mainly they fight because of something I did. Like last night when my dad was visiting they fought about him being lazy because I didn't do the dishes. My dad smokes pot every day, and he even said he'd force me to do it when I turn 18. I am totaly against all illegal use of drugs, I hate him for doing this. My mother said that she dose it too on occasion. Also, my parents do a lot of things that I don't agree with moraly. I hope the judge grant me this, I've been wanting it for so long. As for fending myself, I have a friend who lives in Indiana who'll let me live with them until I finish school and can get my own house. I would like to know more about what I have to do to help ensure I get emancipated. Please help me do this, it's for my own good.

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I don't know anything about the necessary steps, but wanted to congratulate you for having the guts to do this...

Also...I see you are 17, is your 18th birthday far away ? If it's only a few months off no need to file for it...Also try asking your parents first if they'd agree with you moving to indiana "for a few months" like till your 18th birtday...then you won't have to go through the legal thing

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Perhaps a better solution would be to stay with another family member until your birthday rolls around.


That way, you wouldn't have to change schools, especially when it's just 10 months and you are so close to graduating.


Do you have anyone more local that you could crash with?

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The only other family member who isn't as bad as my parents is my gandmother, and she's going to be moving in with my mother because she's the only one who visits her nowadays. I go to her house every day after school. When I do move away, I'm going to miss my gandmother, she's the only one in my family I love.

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