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UMmM dO i wAnT hIm bAcK??????

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Ok..i was going oput with this guy for a week and he broke up with him because i asked him..and now i dunno if i want him back..see i want to be free..to flirt..making out with anyone..and yeah..but then i know he really likes me and that hed do anything for me..but i don't like him that much what should i do???

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if you got no feeling for him they u shouldn't do u really want to go back with him you don't. Its not worth it for u and him if u take him back then it meas that u got to have feeling for him if u go back with him cause u feell sorry then farther down the road u will hurt him evern more and u would wish u never got back with him in the first place.

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Okay , if you don't like him that much don't pretend that you do just to make this guy happy because you will only hurt him more later.

I think if you don't want to be tied down thats the last thing that you need is to have someone in your life that will try and hold you down

When you want someone to have and not just flirt with and toy with their hearts you will know.... You will know right away that you need that in your life...but it seems like a relationship wouldn't be right for you at the moment ...maybe later your feelings will grow for this person....

Who knows? But ...I think whatever makes you happy is your best bet.

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