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The age old question, how to start talking to her if you dont even know her?


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I thaught that being a senior in HS would get me lots of girls, but its the complete opposite,a dont know any lower class men, well just a few. Then in the mall i dont know anygirls, or at the movies or at the beach. i look kind of thuggish but sometimes i look prepy,(HS Jarggon) i odnt think that the way i dress has anything to do with it, well i hope not.


So my questions are:


1How can i go from not knowing her to getting her phone #? ( or do i have to wait a couple of days before asking her that?)


2.What if she has a b/f?


3.What is she says " eeww i dont know you get away"?


4.How manny weeks do i wait before askingsome one out.


5.Should i use pick up lines.


i dont now there lots of questions i can ask, probably you have better suggestions and i bet they are way better, So go ahead bomb with some advice.

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ay yo you have to be confident.. you cant be a wuss just talk to that girl you are talking about


You only get one chance at somthing like this... if you wait it might pass you by


dont worry about what she thinks of you and dont try to change who you are just be yourself and act confident


start a conversation by talking about what is going on around you. Like if you are at a game ask her if she is a (team name) fan or whatever

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1. By approaching her and asking her for her phone number.


2. Then she most likely won't give you her phone number. Oh well, it was worth a shot, right?


3. Then sorry for her, cause thanks but no thanks, "eeew, you like sooo didn't need her phone number anyway!"


4. Establish a nice solid week, or two-week rapport with her then ask her out for a date.


5. No.


Good luck, and happy hunting!

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Dude all the advice here is pro, ask her somethign about your surroundings, then get to know her a bit with random questions, then when your about to leave if you feel you connected ask if you can see her again, otherwise say see you later and leave... altough if you don't like the idea of asking to see her again you could ask where she works in the middle of a convo and casually go to there like a week later, just don't go fully stalker style aye.

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1. Act like youve known her forever, then when your about to leave, say "hey how bout I get your email" and then when shes writing it down, "put your phone number down there too"


2. Who cares... maybe she has single friends?


3. Shes useless and can go to hell


4. Get her number, call her a few days later


5. No... ever

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1How can i go from not knowing her to getting her phone #? ( or do i have to wait a couple of days before asking her that?)

Find a moment when she's alone in school. Go up to here, and say "Hi, I'm XXX and I've been seeing you around. What's your name?"

Ask her where she's going. Then say, "Oh, I'm going there too! Shall we walk there together?"


2.What if she has a b/f?

"Well, your bf is one lucky guy!"

If you're interested in her romantically, then this is a sign to stay clear.


3.What is she says " eeww i dont know you get away"?

Bro, she'll never say that unless you're absolutely repulsive, which i think you're not!


4.How manny weeks do i wait before askingsome one out.

I'd recommend 1-2 wks after you know her.


5.Should i use pick up lines.

No need for those when you're one hell of a confident guy!

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1 How can i go from not knowing her to getting her phone #? ( or do i have to wait a couple of days before asking her that?)

It depends on whether you know that you'll see the girl again or not. If you know you will see her again, I think it's a good idea to approach her first and then ask for her number a little later as this probably increases the chances of her giving it to you. If you've just laid eyes on the girl and are unlikely ever to see her again, you have no choice but to approach her and ask for her number right there and then. Watch her body language because if she's feeling anxious, defensive, tired, upset etc. she is more likely to reject you. Don't sit there thinking about approaching her, you're only making yourself more and more nervous. Introduce yourself, tell her why you like her or what it is that makes you want to know her (tastefully) and ask her if it would be alright if you called her or something along those lines. If you make her feel like its not a big deal for you, it won't be a big deal for her.


2.What if she has a b/f?

If a girl is in a relationship, she won't bite a stranger's head off for not knowing. She'll simply say she can't give you her number because she's got a boyfriend. Don't worry about it.


3.What is she says " eeww i dont know you get away"?

She won't say that, she just won't. Human beings care about what others think of them, she might say no but unless you come on really sleazy I can't see a girl refusing an approach with so little tact. If someone did say that you'd know they were immature and unkind, why would you deify that kind of person? Why be nervous of them?


4.How manny weeks do i wait before askingsome one out.

I don't believe that there's a strict sex-in-the-city style rulebook that says how many weeks you have to wait before asking a girl out. What's more important than the length of time it takes before you ask her out, is how you ask her. Ask her out casually and open-endedly, if you've been speaking to her for a while you'll know something about what she likes and what she's interested in. Tell her that you are doing something, and would she like to come e.g. that you're going to the movies on Saturday and were wondering if she'd come with. If it seems to her that you are going anyway and would genuinely like her to come she is likely to say yes. Even if she does say no, other girls will say yes. People with boyfriends or girlfriends don't have some special magic trick or special code you don't know about, at some point they have tentatively approached another person to be in a relationship with them.

If you never make the approach girls will never reject you, but if you dont ever approach girls they will never accept you.


5.Should i use pick up lines.

Even if I find someone attractive, pick up lines make my skin crawl. I can never understand why men use pick up lines, obviously many men are nervous about approaching you, but I would have thought it was harder to say some of the pick up lines I have heard to someone than just to introduce yourself. Pick up lines are dangerous ground in my experience, if a girl takes objection to a pick up line you're through. It probably makes us more likely to reject you nastily because it can come accross as sleazy or boorish, and because we like to feel as though you're asking us rather than just asking some girl. I don't think pick up lines really work unless you're really confident approaching women and making small talk with them, and anyone that confident doesn't need to use pick up lines anyway.


Try to take it easy, honey

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i woudln't ever use pickup lines unless you wanna get slapped, i mean i like joknig around with friends about them cas we laugh about it cas of how stupid they really are, but theres this girl i'm hitting on at my gym and shes 2 years odler then me and i just was about to leave once night before they closed and after is aid goodnight to her, went back and asked her name, nd she gladly told me, and we just talked about stuff like ia sked if shes still in school or graduated and she said when she graduated and so we talked about school and she said soemthing about highschool, and jsut lead on from there, if you can when you talk about something like if you ask like what college she goes to, then when she tells you just ask stuff about it like how big is it population wise,does she like it there, is it fun, yada yada yada you get the idea, but just be yourself, you'll look like an a** trying to act like someone you're not and most girls can pick that out verrry fast, always look them in the eyes when u talk and when tehy talk, dnt focus on anything else, lets them know you're interested and lsitening, and by all means listen and very carefully, good luck

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