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A question for both Guys and Gals...

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How would you weigh the following factors when you are looking for a partner (1-IT DOESN'T MATTER, 5-MATTERS THE MOST)?


> Looks (Physical Appearance, etc.)

> Personality (Sense of Humor, etc.)

> Education (Bachelor's Degree, etc.)

> Career/Job (What kind of job the person has)

> OTHER (Name other factor that you would consider, OPTIONAL)

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LOOKS: I think that I find a wide variety of people attractive, so while looks are important for physical attraction, I don't limit myself to any particular 'type'. However, with that said, I've only dated one guy with blonde hair and I seem to gravitate towards very tall guys with lanky builds for some reason. Overall, I'd say looks are about a 3 on the importance level.

PERSONALITY: Vital. I must be able to enjoy talking to someone, but the biggest thing for me, I must have a good laugh with them. I want to have fun with life and I want someone who's going to be able to have fun with me. So I give it a 5.

EDUCATION: Pretty important stuff, only because I want to be able to have intelligent conversations with this person. I like people with strong views on things and I think education enhances this. I'd say at least a high school degree or equivalent. I also tend to look for avid readers because I am one as well. I'll give it a 3 because they don't really have to be Einstein.

CAREER/JOB: I agree with Swing on this one, it's not really important to me as long as the person is happy with what they are doing. I don't want the type of person who has to throw themselves into their work so much that thier relationships suffer for it. This one gets a 2.

OTHER: For this I'd say having similar interests is really important to me. I think it is equally important to have your own thing. But afterall, we are going to be spending our lives together (hopefully) so I want to spend them doing things we love doing together. I give this a 4.


Hope this helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Looks are intially what draws anyone in at first. Without an attraction there will never be an interest that draws me to them.



Looks get me there, personality keeps me there. Its the basis of every possible good relationship because if its a good relationship every aspect of the person is there personality and you love every aspect.



Education doesnt matter. Intellgiance however does, just because you have a degree doesnt mean your smart and just because you dont have a degree doesnt mean your not smart. I personally cant handle stupid people well, they drive me nuts and this falls right into personality for me. I need someone that is smart enough to talk about all different kinds of things.



Career matters in the simple aspect of some careers are a relationship by themselves and the whole point of having a relationship is seeing the other person the wrong career=the wrong person(if you cant see them) just makes it to hard to have a good relationship



To me theres just something about certain people that just gives me the impression that I think there amazing in every aspect of the word. It draws me to them without every looking or saying a thing. Its just one of those things that you cant describe but I wont date anyone that I dont think is amazing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks-4 Since I'm in high school, looks get a little bit of a raise. Loks is what gets people's attention and if someone goes out with someone who is good-looking, it makes them look good. There is something more important than looks though...

Personality-5+ Someone who looks OK and has personality beats someone who only has looks (no girls with a poor hygene or a girl who is really fat and ugly(no offense). Personality is the most important thing in a relationship hands down and good personality can also mean good resonsibility and trust.

Education and Career-N/A Again, since I'm in high school, I can't really tell yet. I would though not want to go out with someone who's GPA is a 1.5 (out of 4.0) or something in that range.

***Bonus*** Unique qualities are the most important thing. If your personalities don't mix, things acn go haywire. For example, I am a sports nut and ther is a girl at my school who is good-looking, has a good personality, smart, plays sports and likes to watch sports. This is NOT a typo.-its proven to be true. Too bad she is going out with someone, cause when I see him and I see how much of a jerk he is... ...its not gonna be pretty.

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  • 1 month later...

The older u get the more u realize that personality counts. It's the only thing that can't be faked and doesn't change all that much in your life (unless you have some severe head trauma). That's #1. When you're young you're stupid which is why you relate to so many of your peers - like attracts like (contrary to popular belief, opposites do not attract).


As a man, I'd be lying if I say looks don't count 2nd.


All the other stuff can be worked out. I never cared much about education, career, race, religion, etc. and I avoid people who do. It's repugnant to hear "I only date other Jews", "I want a God-fearing mate" (what the f**k does God-fearing mean anyway?), and "people who make less than $50,000 need not apply".

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