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How to get in touch...


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OK bit of a weird one this. I met a girl on the bus in London yesterday, got on really well for about 2 hours, and would really like to see her again. The problems are: a) I didn't have my phone on me and we didn't exchange numbers, and b) she's Spanish and was on her way back to Madrid. So on the surface there's pretty much no chance of meeting up again.


However, she's an actress on a TV show in Spain, and I know what her show is called. But how should I go about getting in contact with her? Quite a high probability of coming accross like a weirdo, but I would think it's worth a shot. We got on sufficiently well that I'm pretty sure she's interested

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Well, if she is in fact on a TV show they probally have a public address that you could mail.


Send her a nice mail saying youw ould like to talk to her again.


This reminds me of a song 'Your Beautiful' by James Blunt link removed


If she replies thats wonderful but dont become her stalker, that wouldnt go over well.

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hehe, yes, appropriare lyrics. Totally with you about the stalking stuff.


Anyway I've found the website of both the channel the show's broadcast on and of the production company - though I can't read Spanish so will have some difficulty identifying the correct address... anyone speak Spanish here?

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How do you think she will react to you contacting her, I mean you did only meet on a bus, not to be un spportive but why didn't you find another way to exchange contact information?


Well, at the time I thought that just getting her interested, and practicing approaching and flirting with strangers was good enough, just a bit of fun.


However as she left she leant really close, squeezed my arm and said "thanks Tim.... thanks for everything", gave me a kiss and left the train. She then winked and waved as the train left. That basically left me feeling pretty good and quite keen to see her again, but it was too late to undo the screwup of not getting her number. I'm pretty new to this - just split up with a long-term gf - so my skills are not very well honed!


So ultimately I don't think she'll have a problem with me getting in contact. I don't really think it makes much difference that we met on a bus - just easier to talk than in a bar

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