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Am I ready for a new relation?

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It was 3 months after the breaking. I almost got over the hard time to go out for dates. My relation was bad and I've learned something on it. It did not go well because of many reasons. Age-gap (my ex-bf is 22 yo older than me), communication problem caused by language barrier (both me and ex-bf speak English as a second language), compatible (ex-bf is an artist, I am a manager, we did not have the same working/leisure hours)...

Now, the guy that I dated has so many details as same as my ex-bf above. He likes me and I like him. However, I am kind of concerning that I may get into the same problems, same mistakes of the old relation again. And I don't want to make the same mistakes twice.

What should I do? Need your advice.



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Only you know if you're ready, recovery is an individual thing.


On here i've learnt that some people take months and years to recover, i've also learnt that I move on extremely quickly as I refuse to sit around for a long time worrying about yesterday.


If you learn from your old mistakes then they won't happen again will they?

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I personally could not date again for awhile, but I guess it depends on the individual. But make sure it's not just a rebound and you end up hurting someone else. I truly think people should take awhile and be alone to get themselves "back together" I guess to feel good that you can be alone and not need a partner to make you feel whole. Very hard to do. Anyways whatever decision you make, just be careful and good luck

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I went through an extremely painful break-up two months ago and have gone on some dates, but I truly cannot be with anyone until I haven't figured myself out. Your life merges with your partner after a while and then you dont know who YOU are after a break-up.


Make some space for a little "me-time" and figure out who you are and what you want out of a relationship. If I were to date someone now I would either completely mess them up, or they will dump me and I'll feel even worse.


Good luck, and just be careful. Take it sloooooow but if you can, discover yourself first.

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The way I sometimes think about relationships and it's certainly true of the last one is this.


I was fine before they walked into my life. I'm not going to let them spoil anymore time than what they have taken from me already.


I am incredibly strong though so i'm sure that helps.

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