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This is totally out of my control and turning my guts into a pretzel !!!

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*Sorry in advance, I'm not even sure where to post this kind of topic*


I've got some major issues about abandoned animals in the streets.


Everybody goes like "Gosh, what is it with you? They're not your problem, leave them alone! Sheesh!"


One of my biggest qualities... or maybe flaws, is that I tend to feel like adopting every dog and cat that is out there alone and hungry... I can't help it! Is too painful for me to see that! I feel COMPELED to do something...


I've saved two cats (one of them is my current pet) and one dog from living in the streets. But there are thousands more.


What am I supposed to do, for example with this two baby cats (brothers) that are right now outside my apartment crying because they're lonely and cold? I give them food and cuddles everyday, but I can't possibly adopt them... how I wish I could !!! Is killing me! So they stay out there, and I stay here... I think I'm suffering as much as they are...


Im in Latin America, and here, if you call Animal Control, they take them away... and put them down to sleep!!!! There are no shelters, noone cares!!!


Am I just being an idiot? Am I supposed not to care, just like everybody else? I can't, it simply breaks my heart!!!


What to do ?!?!?!?!


*major sobbing*

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Oh Im an animal lover too and have rescued countless animals. People keep dropping them off around here, and where I live there is no animal shelter.


If you call the authorities they 'dispose' of the animal which means they probally shoot it.


No, if you care then do something. Maybe start a shelter? Get people to sign petitions see if you can get funding for one. If there is no shelter it is needed. Right now they are pushing to have a shelter put in the county where I live but as of yet there isnt one. good Luck with it.

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While you can't help every individual animal that you see in the street, what you can do is join an organization that addresses some of these issues. That way you'll feel like you're making a difference on a larger scale...But from what you said about nobody caring, it looks like there aren't many organizations like that where you live. How about finding a few people who are as passionate about abandoned animals as you are and trying to raise awareness about this issue in your community? Not to get your hopes up, but if you put your heart into it, your efforts could result in a new animal shelter in your area!

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There is much you can do to raise awareness in your community. Submit letters to your area papers reminding people not to buy pets from pet stores or puppy mills. Urge them to get their animals spayed and neutered. Tell them to keep from losing their pets by making sure they're properly registered and wearing ID collars. If you can get somebody else to care, and they get somebody else to care and so on, maybe one day not so far away this problem will be a lot smaller and the killing machines will begin to rust.


Don't be sad, GET MAD!

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Thank you guys


You have no idea how much I fantasize about the animal shelter project... seriously... If I won the lotery or marry a millionaire is the first thing I would do. At least I'm gonna try to keep donating to one of those organizations that help animals and feed the ones I bump into.... I can't help it!


And yeah, I'm sad, but I'm also very mad at all those bastards that simply dispose their pets when they're not funny anymore... Grrrr.

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