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Eating habit phases

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For those of you who are trying to improve your well-being by eating healthier, do you find yourself going through phases so to speak when it comes to eating certain foods?


For instance, I tend to be a super health nut for maybe a few weeks, and then I slip back into my old ways and overeat certain foods. Then after a while I get out of that and learn to balance what I eat. From there it sort of plateaus before the process starts over again.


I've learned that it all comes down to what habits you get into. But if those habits change every now and then, then it gets tricky to stay on track. Do you think this might be a psychological problem, or does everyone go through this every now and then?

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I have a thing for cheeseburgers, I just love them.


So this is what I do.


I eat health food constantly, I don't have a single thing that's bad for me. For example I eat between 8 and 10 pieces of fruit a day....... Then after two weeks, after i've been to a club with my friends I buy myself a cheese burger as MY treat.


It works brilliant!

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Yeah I do that. It's hard to eat healthy especially when you have roomies who like to eat things high in fat and sugar. It's hard but when I buy grocceries I get a treat such as Oreos and ice cream. A dietician told me that the key to eating healthy is to stave off our cravings by having say four Oreos a week that way you won't overeat when the craving comes in full swing. Hope this helps.

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Yeah, I usually eat healthy during the week, and then when the weekend comes, I treat myself to some things that I really want to eat; going out to a restaurant. Usually a burger & fries, something of that nature. It's the time when I can splurge, and know that having it every now and then isn't going to be THAT unhealthy. Then when the weekend is over, back to staying away from foods like that. It's a nice way to stay in balance. Everyone needs their sanity.

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