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Hey every1 well i found out why I havent talk to Greg for almost like 8 weeks now. His siter n law Mary, inform my friend that Greg is in that stage again that he doesnt want to be bother or be with any1. He is drinking alot again. But If would just gave me chance I know he would be happy with me. Every time he was he was happy so i was wondering do you think I should call him one last time see what happens. If he doesnt answer or any1 does then i will just leave message and see what happens. if no phone calls back then i will know that it is true that he doesnt want to be bother. I will move on I am actually moving on now but I just dont want to just in case he does care for me bc i care for him. But the saying always was if they return to u, you two were always meant to mean....

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Hey Niki,


Comin back doesnt always mean everything was meant to be. Erin came back before and everyone said that it was meant to be. She is gone again now. I dont believe in destiny and even though I am a christian I dont believe God controls everything in your life. You make your decisions and the consequences of your actions is your only destiny. So move one and look for some one better. If he comes around then great, but I doubt he will come around just because you called him. Something happened that made him want to leave and he must figure out for himself if he is willing to get in a relationship with you again. Im not saying to stop caring about Greg just that it would be in your best interest to assume he isnt coming back.


Best wishes,


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