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You know when you need a girlfriend when...


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Hey all,

Does any single guy/girls feel the same way i do? It just seems like its the same thing most of the time, I work all week then on the weekends i go and play snooker in the club with my mates, then i go back to werk etc...


I'm not depressed or anything, maybe feeling a little loneley in the week and thers just nothing to look forwood to, i like my job (not crazy about it) so i suppose thats a bonus, i probably would be depressed if i didnt haha, snooker is like a hobby but its just the same pattern every week.


Like the title says, You know when you need a girlfriend when... you feel like this, someone to look forwood to and talk to, be with and care for... you know? Only thing is that i dont think im over my ex yet so it wouldnt be fair to start dating anybody.


Does anybody think thers something i can do? I wish something would happen, something exciting

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i don't know if putting all your hopes for excitement is a good thing. you could wind up more disappointed.


maybe try joining a new activity like an outdoors club, or a church youth group - somewhere where you will meet people naturally, and you never know how things will turn out then!

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Wrong reason to want to be with someone is to have something else to 'do' (pardon the pun).


You sound like you need to break the routine, and maybe go and have some fun where there are ladies about.


We all get a bit lonely sometimes, but, it doesn't make me want to rush into a relationship.


The cuddles and being with someone is lovely - however, even that gets routine when you do it all the time.


Find something for you that isn't a hobbie...go out and be a lad and enjoy.


She'll find you when you're least expecting it

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