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school starts!


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hey guys! i have school in the morning!! ahhhh!! anyway im a freshman in a new high school, but my sister has pretty muched paved the path for me if u will! i kno alot off ppl but am also looking for a boyfriend can aby guys tell me what gets there attention? i have shoulder length curly hair green eyes (bl;onde hair) im 5'2"and a half, can you help! thanks!


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Its hard to say what guys like. There are different type of girls and diferrent type of tastes.


[You can notice my type of girls.......hehehhe]


You are the one who need to puck up the guy, you like or you think seem to be cute/handsome.


"Dont cross the bridges before you come to them". Be your self and mingle around the classes, sport classes , breakes...you know.........School Stuff. Be open and communecative. You would find.

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hey u asked where i was from becuase of school..lol i kno its soon but we get out in may! im from nebraska, and yea thats how it goes here, i ust to live in NYC and we went in sep. and got out in june. i mean im still goin 180 days but its earier! bye!

celci 8)

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