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trying to get with this girl


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Right theres this girl in my hairdressers who i have kinda been drawn to. Only problem is i dont know how to go about asking her out or something. She isnt a hairdresser yet as i think shes training. Shes 17-18 and im 19.


Now im a tad shy in that i cant just go up to someone and start chatting to them as most of the time i just forget about anything to say which is a tad awkward.


I need my haircutting soon so its my only chance to get to try my luck so tospeak, as i wont be getting my hair cut for 1-2 monts afterwards.


Also how can i find out if she already has a bf as its a bit pointless going after her if she has one. Its also abit intimidating just going chatting with her as its a small salon which is mostly women working there.


So is there anyway i can get to know her? talk to the girl who does my hair about her and ask her stuff? how can i find out if she has a bf or not by asking my hairdresser?


Any help welcome cheers



ps. im only shy one the first encounter as i just get stuck for what to say as that post makes me sound like i cant talk to anyone.

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Try making small talk with her while she's cutting your hair. Ask her something like "how long have you been working here?" or "where'd you go to school." You guys may know some of the same people since you're close in age. Those type of questions may open up a conversation between the 2 of you-that may answer some of your questions about whether or not she has a boyfriend.

Look at it this way-what do you got to lose?

Good luck!

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Well, i think it's harmless if you ask her out for coffee. While she's cutting your hair, ask her about herself, and what she's interested in, if she's aspiring to be a hairdresser. Be confident in yourself... girls can tell right away if you are confident or not... and I'm a firm believer girls are attracted to confident guys.


Hopefully you'll have a good conversation while she cutting your hair, then at the end ask her out for coffee so you can continue your chat together. If she says no... then she's just not interested or she has a boyfriend.


smile, be friendly, be confident!

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Try making small talk with her while she's cutting your hair. Ask her something like "how long have you been working here?" or "where'd you go to school." You guys may know some of the same people since you're close in age. Those type of questions may open up a conversation between the 2 of you-that may answer some of your questions about whether or not she has a boyfriend.

Look at it this way-what do you got to lose?

Good luck!


well i like the hairdressers and i jsut dont want to feel awkward if it all goes belly up thats all.

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well im not that brave, if i saw her cutting other peoples hair then maybe i would.


Theres not really any chance to talk to her though.


Firstly how can i ask the girl who cuts my hair to let slip if she has a bf or not? as if i know she doesnt have one then it makes it easier, doesnt it?

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right well something is happening. (not with this girl). I broke up with my gf about a month ago. We've talked about why we finished and we're still mates and we're meant to be going to the cinema tomorrow night. Now i think she might think something will happen (ie get back together) but i dont know if i want it. Id rather try and see what happens with the other girl first (might sound nasty as its like im playing them or whatever) before thinking of anything happening between us.


anyway im thinking of booking my haircut next week so il have to put all this info into practice and see what happens il probably end up cracking and not doing it but il have a go. main thing is seeing if she has a bf first and im hoping she hasnt


any more advice?

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