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Ear Piercings

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I got my ears pierced in early July... so far they are doing fine, but I was wondering if it's safe to wear wire earrings yet for a day. I don't want the piercings to close up. Also, I sometimes have trouble with mucus buildup inside and outside the piercing, and it can make putting earrings in difficult. Is there anything I can do about this? I clean my ear and the earrings really well every time. Will this problem fix itself as my ear heals?



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Like paisley80 said, wire earrings do tend to be thinner, so if you want to wear a pair, aim for a thicker one, and preferably one that's square-shaped rather than rounded at the top.


As far as the discharge, I had that for about a year after I got my ears pierced. Then, I felt more comfortable changing my earrings on a fairly regular basis, and once I started doing that, the discharge magically disappeared. Must be the added ventilation from putting earrings in and taking them out often...And after a while, it's a good idea to take a break from earrings for a day or two -- DON'T DO THAT TOO SOON THOUGH. For now, stick to regular cleanings and make sure to rotate or wiggle your posts. The problem should take care of itself.

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Did anyone else find the sensation of having your ears pierced enjoyable? I loved it.


no i hated it lol.


ive had my ears pierced since june and i still have trouble with them. my ears bleed everytime i put earrings in and i have been putting antiseptic on them a lot but my ears cant handle them.


i put on dangly earrings and my ear started bleeding and the dripping with blood down my neck and onto my shoulder

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lilac_indi: antiseptic is a bad idea, warm sea salt soaks are a good idea. You can buy sea salt in most grocery stores (it's not expensive either) and mix it with warm water, soak your ears in it a couple times a day for 5-10 minutes and see if it helps.


Also, invest in decent jewelry if you got your ears gunned, buy some CBR's that are inplant grade steel, titanium or niobium. I can PM you a site that sells awesome stuff fairly cheaply.

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lilac_indi: antiseptic is a bad idea, warm sea salt soaks are a good idea. You can buy sea salt in most grocery stores (it's not expensive either) and mix it with warm water, soak your ears in it a couple times a day for 5-10 minutes and see if it helps.


Also, invest in decent jewelry if you got your ears gunned, buy some CBR's that are inplant grade steel, titanium or niobium. I can PM you a site that sells awesome stuff fairly cheaply.


oh that sounds great! the antiseptic i use was given to me by the place i got my ears pierced at. i had the same problem when i got them pierced the first time when i was 8.


skin started peeling off and i had to get them forced out and they bled a lot. i hate my ears!!! grrrr!

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LOL... coco... your ears bleed down your neck? That is awful!


I have pierced and repierced my ears a dozen or so times over the years. It took me 4 tries to get second earring holes that didn't close up or weren't in a weird position. But I did it everytime myself.


I pierced my cartiledge myself, I pierced my nose myself (that took guts)... After the initial need to use the bathroom (lol), and pushing the needle through, I never really thought about the pain....


And Trevor: anytime you want someone to stick you with needles, baby, all you gotta do is whistle..... I'm your girl.

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and I repeat: silver+unhealed piercing is BAD NEWS. Ask a piercer. Silver tarnishes, you know, turns black, which can wear off into the healing tissue and essentially tattoo the skin grayish/black and potentially irritate the skin. There is a reason that piercers don't use silver.


Granted, some people get away with murder when it comes to what they shove into their bodies, but would you pierce yourself with a safety pin, just because some people can get away with it?

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